Lunch on Saturday was perfect. Great food (Caesar salad followed by lobster salad for me, accompanied by several bottles of bubbles and much hilarity. Later, having almost talked and giggled ourselves hoarse, Sach (the organized one) led us out to the waiting taxi that she'd arranged, and off we went to the
Royal Yacht where we sat in the sun and enjoyed another bottle of the same.
Then it was on to the Museum (outside cocktail bar there) where we enjoyed several of these

raspberry cosmopolitans, and another, very tasty cocktail, called French Knickers. I've tried looking this one up, but without success so have no idea what the ingredients are, however, it (yes, only had one of these) was very good.
Spent most of sunday relaxing and reading, and have to admit that very little writing was done this weekend. I think it did my brain good to have a break.

I'm looking forward to an interview with Richard Armitage, tomorrow (Wednesday) on Vulpes Libris where he talks about books, Richard III and Guy of Gisborne (who is no more, sob, gulp). You can find the interview
Debs, sounds like a perfect weekend. French knickers? Hm. I love cocktails, can't think why I don't drink more of 'em. Bermuda rum swizzle, that's a good one too but powerful like many innocuous- tasting cocktails.
That certainly does sound like an extremely nice weekend. Talking and laughing yourself hoarse is the best medicine.
Thanks for the heads up on the RA interview too:-)
What a lovely time you've been having!
Someone's got to do it, Debs!
That sounds like a brilliant weekend.
When Gisbourne died I thought of you! Knew you'd be distraught.
Cocktails, bottles of bubbly and lots of laughter....sounds like my kinda weekend!! Glad you had such a wonderful time :-)
C x
sounds like a brilliant sunday and very good for restoring tired batteries!
What a great time!
I'm all for some LaughTER!
We once hired a boat for a week on the Burgundy canals (with 2 friends)...and laughed each and every day ( almost continually) til I thought I'd cracked a rib..!
What a brilliant time you had! We writers need time like that ... it'll all end up in a story one day.
Richard Armitage? that sounds amazing!
susie - that Bermuda Rum Swizzle sounds rather tasty, I think I'll have to track one down.
lane - it was great fun.
Looking forward to the interview too.
helen - it has been great fun. Long may it last too.
chris - you're not wrong there.
troy - I wasn't a happy bunny when he died, but thankfully I'd seen the spoilers and so knew to expect it.
carol - thanks. It's my kinda weekend too.
flowerpot - I would have thought so too, but I've been tired all week. Getting old!
jan - that sounds like such fun. No wonder you had such a ball.
shirley - hopefully it will. I shall have to get thinking, and writing.
melrox - it does sound good.
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