Wednesday 1 July 2009

Shed of the Year 2009 - Finalists Announced

The finalists for this years Shed of the Year competition have been announced, and you'll never guess whose shed made it this far... yes, mine. So exciting.

My shed, or "Grumpy's Palace", has been voted as 'Garden Office Category Winner' for 2009. If you want to have a look, please go here

Thank you all so much for voting. I can't believe the shed has made it to the finals, and now all I have to do is wait for the celebrity judges, Sarah Beeny, Chris Evans and Trevor Bayliss, among others, to make their choices. Having had a look at the competition, I don't hold much hope, but it's been a thrill getting this far. They will announce the winner on 8th July.


HelenMWalters said...

Well done - can't wait to hear the results.

Chris Stovell said...

Fame again, Debs! Well done!

Swerdnic said...

:) well done! Lx

Lane Mathias said...

Well done Debs. Your shed is beautiful. x

Karen said...

That's brilliant, well done! Let's hope Grumpy's Palace can go all the way :o)

Yvonne said...

Oh wow Debs, those photos are just magic, I love the way you've decorated the shed. Best of luck!

Tamsyn Murray said...

Hurrah! Fingers crossed :-)

Queenie said...

Congratulations! Best of luck for next week.

Jenny Beattie said...

Cor, how very exciting. I've got everything crossed for you.

Unknown said...

That is so very cool! Congratulations.

Melissa Amateis said...

Oh my gosh! That is so awesome! Congrats!!! (I'm so glad I voted!!!)

Kat W said...

That's great - congratulations!
Kat :-)

Michelle said...

So glad I voted for Grumpy's Palace! When you write your bestseller it can become Debs' Shedquarters!

Liane Spicer said...

Wonderful! Congratulations!

Lorix said...

Yay!!! ;)

Carol said...

Yay to you getting into the final!! You stand just as good a chance as anyone of winning so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you :-)

Ooohh, can't wait to hear how you get on

C x

Phillipa said...

Yay!!!1 That is brilliant news Debs. I voted - but your shed IS the greatest. I hope you win!

CL Taylor said...

Oh my god - how exciting!!!! :)

I voted too and I really hope you win! Is there a prize or a plaque to hang in your shed? :)

Lucy Diamond said...

That is such brilliant news! I'm off to vote immediately! xx

Amanda said...

Fantastic News, Debs :-))

Anna Scott Graham said...

hoot hoot hoot!!!! Grumpy's Palace all the way!!!!

claire p said...

Well done!! Fingers crossed for the final. Mind you we all know yours is the best shed, whatever anyone else says!

Flowerpot said...

how exciting!!

sheepish said...

Oh best of luck. I have sent the shed link to the OH as he is building his own shed at the moment. Do they have a recycled category, I mean the shed by the way not the OH!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, how did I miss this post? The very best of luck. Your shed is utterly, utterly gorgeous!

Troy said...

Move over Bergerac, you're history - its now "Deb's Shed Island". Short tours available from most regional airports.

You'd better get two metal stands and some thick rope to hang between them like they have in stately homes so that you work in the shed whilst the tourists look in from the other side of the rope barrier.

Fingers crossed for July 8th but you should be very proud to have made it so far.

Unknown said...

Grumpy must be so proud! Fingers crossed.

Maria said...

Great news! I hope you win!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments, as well as all those votes, much appreciated.

I love the idea of Michelle's to call the shed, the 'shedquarters', although I doubt I could do much to help the tourist industry here with my shed as an attraction, then again, maybe people like seeing walls filled with pictures, and bits and pieces of driftwood, fossils etc dotted around the place?

I don't know what the prizes are, but I know it's been fun taking part in the competition.

Anonymous said...

What fun! Best of luck.

Marcie Steele said...

Yay for Grumpy's Shed! I've been to Suffolk this week where a woman there had a cooking enterprise in a huge shed in her back garden. She baked obviously but she also taught primary school children, it was a joy to see.

And because of this, I now want a big as that cool as that one...I just need a bigger garden x

Congrats again Debs.x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

nina - thanks very much.

l-plate - I love my shed. Her shed must be enormous if she bakes and teaches in it.

Chris said...

Fantastic news Debs! Huge congratulations!!! Will have it all crossed for the finals next week - but you're already a winner - so proud of you!!!!
love xxx

Jen said...

That is so exciting - brilliant to be able to see inside where you have all your writerly urges.

Good luck!


Susie Vereker said...

That's so exciting! Congrats on your shed win. Fingers crossed for the final. Are all those celebs coming to see you in person?

Jan Jones said...


Not that we ever doubted you'd make it.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

chris - thank you so much. I truly don't expect to win, and am grateful for so much support. It's been such fun taking part, and especially being a finalist. x

spiralskies - thanks very much. The inside of the shed already has so much more packed inside, since those photos were taken.

susie - thank you. They're judging from the photos they've been given, which is a relief, as it never occurred to me that they would visit. Now that would have woken me up a bit.

jan - thank you very much. It's been great fun.

Marcie Steele said...

Debs, it was bigger than a double garage with double doors that opened out on to a field and a veranda with a huge wooden seat and comfy cushion, sigh...need I say more.

Do I need to vote for you again in the final or are all the votes counted? Can I vote for you again anyway?

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

l-plate - it sounds heavenly.

Voting finished, but thanks anyway.