This is where I'll be spending my second blog anniversary, pressing on until I finish my editing. The shed is a dreadful mess, so I really must make a note to give it a tidy up, but strange as it may seem, I do know where everything is - no, really.
I can't believe it's already been two years since I started my blog. I wasn't too sure what blogging was all about, or if anyone would ever visit mine, but thought it looked like fun.
Now, however, I've met and 'met' in the cyber-sense, so many supportive, fun and genuinely talented people; I'm a member of writing groups, and it doesn't matter what advice I'm trying to find, there's always someone able to provide it.
Right, I'd better get on. R is - noisily - cutting the hedge, though I can't moan as he's also put on what promises to be a tasty roast beef lunch for me, and all I need to do is prepare an apple crumble with the last apples from the garden, then I'm back in the shed with Grumps, to continue with my never-ending editing.
Have a great day.
Happy Blogaversary Debs! Long may you continue blogging. Good luck with the editing.
yvonne - many thanks. I can't believe it's been two years!
Congrats on two years of fabulous blogging!!!
Happy anniversary to you and your blog! What is it they say about time? oh flies :-)
Happy blogaversary, Debs
Enjoy the roast
Enjoy the editing.
Happy blogiversary! Sounds as if it's shaping up to be a good one.
TWO YEAR? Holy Moses! How did that happen? God it won't be long before we're collecting our pensions ;-)
Enjoy your editing! Chop! Chop! Chop! :) TFx
Yay! Two years already! Congrats, and keep on blogging!
Congratulations, and happy editing! Love the chair :o)
liz - I can't believe it's two years already.
sueg - it certainly does.
pat - thanks. Roast fab. Editing going better than it was.
queenie - not bad at all.
tf - blimey, what a thought! Then again, I don't think I'd mind having more time writing at home.
liane - thank you m'dear.
karen - it's gorgeous, isn't it. A bit tatty, but I love my Lloyd Loom Lusty.
Happy Aniblogary, Debs!
I hope you have heating in that shed of yours...
Happy second blogiversary! Hope the roast and crumble lived up to expectations :)
The shed looks so cosy. Love the chair.
Happy 2nd Anniversary and hope the editing goes well.
two years eh? well done you!
And very glad we all are that you started. Thanks for some great posts. Good luck with the edit.
Congrats on two year of blogging bliss! Love that snap of the work site... :)))
Two years of blogging? Congrats! And here's to the next years...
Hope that roast was good!
Happy Blogoversary and can you set me a place for the roast beef and apple pie please?
Happy blog birthday Debs. Please keep it up! Fx
Don't mention editing . . . I'm up to my neck in it. Good luck with yours. And congratulations on your two years of blogging.
Congratulations on your blogiversary, Debs. Wouldn't it be fun to collect some of your best posts under one cover? I'll bet you'd be amazed at what you've written when all along you just thought you were recording your days or chatting with other writers to improve your craft.
I too am so grateful for blog friends. What an excellent way to broaden your horizons. And let's not forget all those grand dogs we've met!
Happy 2nd blog birthday :-). Where would we be without blogging eh!!
Hope you had a wonderful lunch (it sounds yummy)
C x
Happy Blog-aversary Debs!
Happy blog day. Hope the edit is nearing an end.
Thanks very much for the good wishes, I can't believe it's already been two years of me babbling on.
I love my 'new' chair and can tell you that the roast lunch and crumble were very tasty.
Thankfully there is heating in the shed - I don't like the cold. The editing is coming along fine, and thanks for the idea Faye, I'll have to have a peek at past posts to see what I've actually written.
2 years congrats! It certainly is a great journey.
Happy 2nd Anniversary! :-)
Good luck with the editing, NaNo awaits! x
Finally I managed to open your blog using Firefox! Congratulations on reaching your second anniversary. The Government is raising the retirement age for blogging so you'll have to keep it up for a good while yet!
Congratulations, Debs on your 2nd anniversary. I am so much in awe of you - you manage to keep up with the blog AND write/edit/make apple crumbles/take Grumpy for a walk/garden/go to work.
Happy 2nd blogging Anniversary Debs and your shed!!! I have to say, I love your chair. My parents have two of these and they have been around all my life, painted this colour and that ... makes me feel instantly comfortable. Do you have a kettle in your shed? Ah, how I would love to stop by for a cuppa! I agree - I too didn't know what this blogging lark was all about, but over the past few years I have met so many wonderful people that it just feels like a great community to be part of, not restricted by anything. May you have many more happy blogging years!
(Belated) happy blogiversary :o)
Happy Blog Birthday! They do come around quickly don't they!
Days can pass before I post and when I return I find I've missed a lot! Happy Debs two year Blog Birthday, even a little late!
Many thanks for all the lovely comments. Here's to another two years.
Many congratulations to you and your shed on being a blogging star!
Susie - many thanks.
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