Had a boozy night in on Friday when a couple of girl-friends came round for a meal. It was a great evening with much hilarity, endless gossip, and far too much quaffing of the bubbly kind of alcohol. Naturally, there was the obligitary hangover the following day. So, apart from enjoying, Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day, thanks to another friend, Andrea, introducing me to LoveFilm.com I did very little and today have to catch up with this never-ending editing, that I'm determined to finish at some point this week. Have to really, as NaNo starts next Sunday.
I've put the clocks back in the house, but the one in my car is a bit of a pain. I was going to sleep for longer this morning and make the most of the extra hour, but Grumpy had other ideas and pestered me until I gave in and let him out into the garden.
Looking forward to the last episode of Emma tonight. Having whinged about it originally, I've now become caught up in the story, and have enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. Love Jonny Lee Miller though, so that probably helped a bit.
Er, you have worked out where you're going to put all those jam pots once you've found them, have you?
I'm liking that jam pot. The ones I've got are the common variety circ 2009, I use them (after I eaten the jam!) for mixing paints. Hangovers Oh! the joys. Thump! Thump! :O TFx
Oh that's interesting about 'Emma', I'm afraid I gave up halfway through the first episode as I just wasn't feeling the love.
I only managed to see episode 2 of Emma while I was in the UK... so not ideal, really.
Just going off to check out Love Film.
Chopper sorts all our clocks out which is good otherwise some would be the right time and some wouldn't! Good luck with finishing your editing. I hope you'll post a photo of the rest of your jam pots when you get them out of the loft.
Be careful up in that loft, won't you? Remember what happened to Lucy Brown!
Best of luck with the editing and love the jam pot.
Gearing up for NaNo ... is it allowed to write up some notes on the plot before Sunday, Debs, or do you have to start right from scratch?
I forgot about the clock thing this morning and just about had a heart attack when I glanced at the clock and it said 9am.....and Chris was still in the house drinking coffee!! (He had a big meeting at 9)
Good luck with the NaNo WriMo
C x
Lovely jam pot. And I'ma great fan of Love films!
Love that jam pot! Our clocks go back this coming weekend, and I make my daughter fix the one in my car... :)))
Hi Debs! Jam pots sound so cool. And good luck editing. NaNo anyone? Oh boy!
jan - er, nope. Hadn't thought where they would go.
tf - they sound mighty useful thought!
chrish - me too, then had a go at watching it again. I'm a sucker for a period prog, even one that seems to be remade annually.
jj - was amazed how quickly they sent the film to me. Great fun.
dj - will post a pic, if ever I find them.
queenie - lol, yes, poor Lucy Brown. Will remember to put clothes on first too, just in case.
annieye - I think you can plot and plan all you like (have done very little unfortunately), but just not start the actual writing of the book until 1 Nov.
carol - lol, poor you, I would have died of fright. I don't feel like I've had any extra time asleep.
flowerpot - thanks. Me too.
anna - why do they all change at different times? In SA where my mother lives, they don't change at all. Most confusing.
kaye - thanks. I'm looking forward to NaNo, although by 3rd Nov will probably be in writing hell :)
I love getting surprise parcels in the post - and that's a lovely jam pot.
Nothing better than a night with the girls!
Jampots? What a lovely idea. I'm afraid that the Smucker's jar just goes out on the table alongside the toast around here. Friday afternoon we had a very proper tea to celebrate a friend's 60th birthday. Everything was served in pretty dishes or teired plates. We even played "dressup". I wore a pillbox hat with long pheasant feathers--and a boa.
Are you watching "Emma" as in Jane Austen? Must admit that it's my least favorite of all her works. At least as far as heroines are concerned.
I love that jampot. You'll have to take a pic of the others when you find them.
I spend at least a week not knowing which clock is showing the right time. I put my car clock back twice. :o)
Debs I'm in complete denial about Nano...walking around with my fingers in my ears chanting...x
I loved Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, and I covet your jam pot :o)
suzanne - me too, though unfortunately they're usually bills.
melissa - I agree, great fun.
faye - your tea party sounds great fun. My grandmother used to have Tiffin most afternoons, and always with silver tea set. I love the sound of your pillbox hat, very glamorous.
I agree with you about Emma; it's my least favourite too, and they seem to keep making new versions of it, but his one was beautifully filmed, and acted and was definately one of the better ones.
fionnuala - me too! I don't know whether to dread it, or pretend it's not happening.
karen - I loved the film too. All that period decoration etc, lovely.
I like the jam pot - very cute & cosy. It would look good in our cottage actually.......
Jonny Lee Miller is lush & certainly made 'Emma' all that more enjoyable.
Kat :-)
katw - Thanks, I still need to find the rest of them to put them all out together somewhere.
He is lovely, and is probably why I kept watching at the beginning when it wasn't so appealing.
What delightful blog friends you have. I have so enjoyed reading the comments, and pleased they liked your jam pot!
Love the Lloyd L pink chair. Worth all the trouble of getting it to Jersey! Bet R does't agree??
Chat soon. Lol, Ma x
Ma - thanks for the comment. Glad you like the chair, even R can see why I HAD to have it, bless him. x
george - many thanks for your lovely comment. I'm off to look at romantic films now.
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