I was just reading a post at Kaye Manro's fab blog about a psychic experience she recently had with her cat, and as today is the time for spooky tales, I thought I'd mention this one.
Years ago I was going to a party and needed to wear my best jewellery, however I couldn't find the earrings and bracelet anywhere. I searched the entire house, without success. My mother phoned and during the conversation I mentioned it to her. She suggested we put down our phones, go and sit quietly, and let our minds clear, then try to see if we could picture where the jewellery was. We did this - my mother lives in South Africa, so it's not as if I could pop round to her house to do it - 10 minutes later she called me back and asked me what I'd seen. I told her I'd pictured a handbag. She agreed and said to go and look through my bags. I did, and there was the jewellery wrapped in a tissue. I can't remember putting it in there, but I must have done at the end of a party or something.
There's a thick fog today, which means we won't get the newspapers to the island, such a pain, as I like the saturday magazines. Tonight I'm dropping S off at a Halloween Party, and I gather my son is going to one too. Somehow I think hers will be far tamer than his... I'll be staying at home with R and the grumpy dog who is now wearing white socks, as opposed to the pale blue ones of yesterday. I'm looking forward to him stopping this paw chewing business, as neither of us like the socks on him. Happy Halloween.
Can you and your mum just sit down for a minute and think where I might have put my mojo?
Happy Halloween to you.
JJ that is funny!
Happy Halloooooween Debs (and can we have a photo of The Grump Maister in his socks?) I desperately need cheering up x
Thank you so much for my beautiful presents and card so far there is only Muffin to have the spirit level treatment for once she won't stay still no fear I'll have her before the day is out.
Happy haunting
Hope the fog clears for you soon!
jj - it's probably gone off to a Halloween party with mine. Hope they're back soon.
L - plate - I put one of him on Facebook, but will re post it for you there.
andrea - glad you enjoyed the pressies, R thought I was a little mad, but then he decided that you would like them. Have a fab day. x
gaelikaa - It's lifted now and papers are in, thanks.
Ooh must have a look on FB for that photo, Debs!
Have a fun halloween!
Hi debs! Thanks for mentioning my blog post about the psychic connection I have with my cat!
When I read your jewellery story, I actually got chills! (So my love for this sort of thing is why I write paranormal!)
Have a nice and quiet Halloween night with Grumpy!
Amanda - I think you'll find it under my profile. I'm hopeless at finding things on facebook.
kaye - I loved your story and your psychic connection with your cat. Glad it turned out well.
Hope you have a fab evening as well.
Great story about the jewellery. Maybe you should hire yourself out as psychic finder of all lost things.
Love your spooky story! Now it's given me an idea for a Halloween post of my own.
helen - good idea, then maybe I could start by finding my mojo, although I believe it's partying somewhere with JJ's.
liane - thanks. Shall have a read.
Very spooky indeed! :) TFx
Great spooky story.
Belated Happy Birthday to Andrea and belated Halloween greetings to you all.
Like the story. Happy Halloween!
tf - it was rather odd.
suzanne - thanks, and happy belated Halloween to you too.
kate - thanks, and same to you too.
I've got to tell you this, Deb. I totally believe in telepathy.
Years ago (in 1984) my husband was taking professional exams and unbeknown to him the college had mucked up the exam timetable. He ended up sitting an exam in Leicester for a subject he thought he was sitting three weeks later and hadn't done any revision for.
I was at home, standing at the kitchen sink, washing up, when I started thinking about his exams. I felt overwhelmingly compelled to find his study notes and text books and read up on the restoration of Listed Buildings particularly in relation to dry rot, wet rot, underpinning and shoring up of unstable buildings. I sat at the dining table completely engrossed, and even looked at the formulae for calculating structural loadings.
In Leicester, Rob had been panicking because he was sitting in an examination hall in an exam he hadn't revised for. He had to answer three questions - all of them on the care and maintenance of Listed Buildings, including - you've guessed it - dry rot, wet rot, underpinning and shoring up.
He said he felt a sudden calmness and just wrote down what came into his head - he said it was as if he was listening to me reading all about it, even including the formulae.
He scored over 90% in that exam and everyone else in his group failed because they hadn't revised.
When he came home and said the college had mucked up his exam timetable, and I told him how I'd felt compelled to read up on Listed Buildings, we both knew that there was such a thing as telepathy.
We have unwittingly used it hundreds of times since.
You have such an intriguing life Debs. Island fogged in so no newspapers? Mother lives in South Africa? I just watched the excellent Endgame on Masterpiece Theater last weekend about the talks in the English countryside which helped end apartheid. Have you seen?
And poor Grumpy. Does he have grass allergies? My border collie used to drive me crazy licking his paws in the spring.
annieye - that story is so amazing, and I can believe it too. I was once out with my sister, who was nagging me (in my head - sounds wierd now I see this in writing) and I shouted out loud, "Will you stop going on." The people we were with looked at me as if I was nuts. Sister laughed!
faye - I haven't seen that yet, must look out for it though.
I don't know, he could have an allergy, and I wish I could find something to help him, he's driving us both nuts.
Got a lovely picture of Grumpy with socks on, poor thing!
I bet you get lots of foggy days over there; we do too here as we live on the edge of Bodmin Moor!
Ooohhh spooky story indeed!!
C x
I must try that. I spend so much time looking for things... getting worse... what was I saying?
My first child was born on Hallowe'en - we had some fun parties when she was a child!
michelle - I should imagine the scenery and weather is rather magnificent where you live.
carol - it was rather strange.
leigh - it's worth a try.
What a fab day to have your birthday, as people always want to party.
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