Having had an especially unproductive weekend where writing was concerned, I turned on my computer this afternoon to find an email from the very lovely Victoria Connelly letting me know she had awarded me this gorgeous, Lovely Blog Award.
Victoria has published several books, one of which has been made into a film, and her fabulous, Molly's Millions was published earlier this year. Please go here to Bookersatz to read my review. If you haven't read it yet, then you're missing a treat.
The rules say that you should:
1) Accept the award, and don’t forget to post a link back to the awarding person.
2) Pass the award on.
3) Notify the award winners.
Now deciding who to pass this award on to wasn't easy, as I read so many interesting and helpful blogs, but I thought I would like to pass this on to Amanda at her Writing Allsorts blog. In her most recent post she talks about feeling a little deflated, but then goes on to say that despite receiving a few rejections, she is working on stories to submit to magazines and competitions and is determined not to let a few rejections beat her.
As writers it's something we all have to contend with and sometimes keeping going when you don't feel like you're actually getting anywhere (me, not her) is exactly the time when you have to simply keep writing, improving and eventually hope you'll get to where you want to go. Being published.
So agree Debs. Feel like I'm treading water most of the time - or sinking.
But if we didn't write, we wouldn't be us would we?
Fia - you said it! I sometimes wish I could stop, then remember that I love writing too much to do so, most of the time.
Congratulations Debs on the lovely award :-) and thank you for leading me to two more fab blogs. I think for me writing is just an urge, a need ... I can't stop it. Although sometimes I wish I could, because in writing we put ourselves out there for criticism - which can be harsh. But as Fia said - we wouldn't be us if we didn't write :-)
That's all so true - but so hard sometimes x
What a pretty award! And it matches your site beautifully.
As regards Keeping Going, I do thing that after talent, persistence is the biggest requirement for a writer. Or downright stubbornness in my case.
Awh, thank you so much for the award, Debs - you've made my day
:-) x
Congratulations on your award hon...it is very well deserved!!
I honestly don't know how you guys keep going when you get rejections but I'm very glad you do!! I guess you just have to remember that what's not right for one will be perfect for another!!
C x
Congratulations on the award to you Debs (and Amanda.)
Cograts on winning the award, Debs. And I think you made an excellent choice passing it on!
There is so much truth in what you said about not giving up.
Congrats on the award, Debs. Well deserved!
Congratulations on the award, Debs. I agree, it's important to keep going even when you feel discouraged!
Congratulations, and just to repeat the sentiment cited above, there is a great deal of truth in what you've said. It's an emotionally difficult life we've taken on for ourselves, isn't it?
I think we all get those days - weeks - years - when we feel we're drowning. But it's important to just keep plugging on. Easier said than done of course...
Congratulations on the award - you deserve it! How nice that it matches your blog, too.
I decided long ago that what you need most in this writing business is sheer pigheadedness. :o)
What's that saying? - published writers are unpublished writers who kept going.
Many Congrats and with you on fighting the good fight. This is a tough game. No doubt about that. LOL Nina
Very cool award. I hope the writing mojo returns to you.
Congrats Debs. And well said!
Congrats, well said and what a striking color match to your blog... :)))
Thank you for all the lovely comments.
Debs. I love that image of the deflated balloon and I know it well (as well as the about-to-go-pop feeling.)
Writing and trying to get published is very much a carrot-and-stick experience!
Wise words Debs, and well done on the lovely award :o)
Recently I ran across a message that is credited to a British civil servant in 1939 when there were fears that the Nazis would cross the Channel: "Keep Calm and Carry On." Wise words. I think that's just exactly what you're doing Debs. Congratulations on blog award--couldn't go to a nicer, more deserving person.
Thanks for your encouraging words!!
Congratulations on your award :)
Congrats on your award. I think Amanda was a good choice too. I am suffering major NaNo FAIL :(
Great & true advice. Thank you. X
Congratulations on your lovely award. XX
I hate to be a party pooper but life for a published author is no picnic. Between now and Christmas I'm book signing in bookstores around the country every Saturday and Sunday to promote Cut Short (no.1 in the Geraldine Steel series), giving author talks on weekday evenings, working on the edits for Road Closed (no. 2 in the series) and writing Dead End (no. 3) - but I can't afford to give up the day job, so I'm teaching full-time as well! As you say, you have to really love writing to do all that. So my advice is to enjoy writing as much as you can while you have time, because once you are published, you'll be spending a lot of time on book promotion. Good luck with it - and congratulations on your lovely award, Debs. Will you print it out and display it in your shed?
Thanks for all your comments, they're much appreciated.
Now, if only I could think what to write next for my NaNo story.
Just stopped by to say that I have a fabulous book to give away on my Chez Aspie blog from Sunday so please stop by and join in the fun. x
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