I've been doing slightly better than I'd hoped with my NaNo novel and managed 8,514 in the first three days. Haven't done any writing yet today, but need to get a move on and stop checking out Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Yesterday, as I walked to the car after work, water from puddles seeped through my boots, so I put them to dry overnight. This morning, I'd only been out of the car 30 seconds when the same thing happened again. Past their sell-by date obviously. So, at lunchtime I ventured into town - about ten footsteps away from my office - and bought new boots, a new pair of trousers for work, and some M&S knickers. Can't beat them.
Funny how the prospect of buying clothes for work doesn't inspire me, and I wait until my feet are literally soaking, whereas if I wanted a book, I'd be hitting those shops without a moments hesitation.
Completely with you on the shopping priorities. And really well done on the word count, that's fab!
I'm the same way - would rather go buy a book than a pair of shoes! Well...not if the shoes are REALLY cute and ON SALE!
I'd buy books before clothes any day of the week....
(she says slinking back to NaNo)
I hate shopping - whether it's for clothes or food, but I can't walk past Waterstones without popping in. Fantastic word count Debs. I'm hoping to catch up a bit at the weekend because I've got a really busy week at work.
Hope the new boots last ages and ages so you don't have to shop for them again
I hate going into clothes shops. I love bookshops though. And handbag shops. Good luck with NaNoWriMo.
OMG!! The agony of choice....books or shoes?...books or shoes? aarrrgggg
(I have to go before my head explodes)
C x
Ps. Tom and I watched Spooks last night...ooohhh he is rather lovely isn't he!!!
I stocked up on M&S knickers before we left, truly the best! :)))
And that picture's pretty nice too... :))) Happy writing!
I so agree - though I get my knickers from Peacocks now - prettier colours!
Good job on the NaNo word count! And I can say for sure that I'm the same way about books and clothes! lol
I much prefer book shopping. I feel more at home there than in top shop
I also hate clothes shopping - so totally with you on that one x
I couldn't agree more about this shopping business. Well, I like shopping, but not for clothes and especially not shoes. Books, of course, are an entirely different matter. :o)
Well, there's one thing we writing folk all have in common and that's our love of buying books.
I do enjoy buying shoes and handbags too, but not often, as I've usually spent all my money on Amazon, WHSmith, etc first.
Oh to be on your side of the pond with the new season of Spooks opening, Debs. I've read the publicity. Now am eager to get a first hand account of our divine RA. How did you enjoy the first episode?
Like you and your other commenters would much rather spend money for books than clothes. I am enjoying the blog of a young Londoner who's transplanted to New York. She works in fashion and writes these delicious posts on newest fashion, makeup--London Liberty Girl if you'd like to take a peek.
oops! Make that Liberty London Girl
Fantastic word count, Debs so well deserving of some treats including eye candy.
faye - I did enjoy the first episode of Spooks, and the second (and have also watched the third episode on sky last night). Great stuff.
I sometimes do have a look at Liberty London Girl's blog and enjoy it, thanks. I follow her one twitter so generally have a look at her new posts then.
chrish - thanks, I'm enjoying it, but haven't done any today, yet. Better get a move on.
Sounds like you've got your shopping priorities right to me! And yes, I rarely buy my knickers anywhere else but M&S :o)
Well done on word count and new boots and knickers!
karen - I wish my daughter's idea of shopping was the same as mine, but she can shop like no one I've ever come across before. I spent a fortune the other day in half an hour!
susie - thanks. The boots are great.
Great Nano progress!
Book buying always comes ahead of any other sort of buying for me, too.
devon - many thanks, although I'm slipping a bit.
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