However, in the bath this morning I didn't have time to read the last two chapters of this wonderful book, One Apple Tasted by Josa Young and so, all good intentions forgotten, I raced home from work, said hello to my step-son who arrived from London today, made supper, then disappeared upstairs to my room to read the last few pages.
If you can't decide what to read next do treat yourself and buy it. I loved it. To do the book justice I've linked to Helen Hunt's review on Bookersatz.
Better get off now and check my son has taken his antibiotics as he has a nasty bout of tonsilitis and is feeling very sorry for himself. My daughter has just phoned - yet again, using her father's mobile without him knowing - from Austria where she's snowboarding with her father, to ask whether I'd rather she bring me back a book or some Milka chocolate. Now that is a dilemma. She obviously knows her mother well.
I think both would be good, a bar of milka while reading your favourite book. Idyllic!
CJ xx
I agree - both! You can't go wrong with chocolate AND a book together!
Happy New Year, Deb!
I read in the bath, too. Love it! Yep - both!
When I have a good book going, I cannot get another thing done!
Chocolate, obviously. You must have a pile of books waiting to be read already.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Am I the ONLY person who can't eat chocolate? What am I missing?!
She knows you very well indeed, Debs :-)
I used to love reading in the bath, but now the age-required galasses steam up!
Definitely both from the daughter -or you could threaten to tell the father about the phone bill he'll be getting!
I obviously had the wrong GLASSES on for that last post!
If you can't have both, go for the chocolate. I've never heard of Milka, but I'd kill for some European chocolate right now. Preferably Belgian, but Austrian will do fine. :drool:
That girl of yours is a treasure and I hope that boy feels better soon!
CHOCOLATE rules in my book! TFx
Aw, how sweet is that of your daughter?! Hmm, difficult choice though! Well done on the assignment - have just posted my TMA hurray! And hope son improves soon.
I am so glad my debut novel gave you so much pleasure, and gripped you so firmly! Would love to know what you thought in more detail. Do you review anywhere such as Amazon? Lovely to have this comment, made my day. x
cj - lol. No why hadn't I thought of that?
melissa - yes, it definately has to be both.
queenie - the only place I'm left in peace, apart from the shed, but I write rather than read in there.
debbie - Mornings in the bath is my main reading time. Evenings in the bath too and maybe in bed.
jan - you know me well, obviously. Yes, I should be reading some of my tbr piles before they fall over again.
flowerpot - can't each chocolate. I couldn't cope.
amanda - she certainly does.
bernadette - love it, now I have something to bribe her with. No, I couldn't, especially as she keeps me sweet with presents.
BE Sanderson - it's Alpine chocolate but I think you can get it in many places.
anna - she is lovely, and he's on the mend, thank you.
tf - you're a girl after my own heart.
chrish - she's lovely and he's getting better thankfully. Well done with the TMA that's brilliant.
hodmandod - I loved it and have now posted a review on Amazon. Looking forward to reading your next one now.x
ooooh, I'd go for the book, can't beat Cadbury's chocolate! Although the Milka cow is fabulous! :)
One Apple Tasted is such a fantastic book. One of my favourites from last year.
jayne - I do love a bit (well, a lot) of Cadburys too.
Helen - It's a wonderful book and I found it through reading your review on Bookersatz last year. Many thanks.
Hi Debs! Sounds like a great book, and I love bathtub reading too. Nice review to Helen H!
Another book to put on the list!
And Milka definitely:-)
I must add that book to my list - and some chocolate of course!
Hope you managed to get your assignment done and that your son is feeling better :o)
kaye - I think the bath is the best place for reading, more peace than anywhere else in the house.
Helen's review was good and I thank her for introducing me to this book.
lane - I know, my tbr pile keeps growing and despite always having a book on the go it must prove that I buy more of them than I read.
karen - I actually managed two assignments as I was off work yesterday, so I was thrilled.
James is feeling quite a bit better, thanks.
Milka chocolate bars in lavender wrappers--how well I remember them from a cold snowy trip to Ukraine. First introduction. Hope you get the book too, Debs--and that everyone is on the mend.
Tell us more about your writing course, please. I'm taking in a presentation next week called "So You Know the Life of a Reader, Now Let's Talk about the Life of a Writer." It will be given by an author who taught a journaling class that I enjoyed.
Definitely going to seek out the book and now desperately want Milka chocolate, even on top of the half ton of Cadburys I consumed at Christmas! :-) x
Faye - I love Milka and am always thrilled when my daughter brings it back with her from holiday.
The course I'm doing is with the Writers' Bureau and covers writing non-fiction as well as fiction. There are 20 modules and I've just sent off numbers 12 & 13. They have many different courses though and my mother who lives in South Africa did a shorter one simply for fiction.
serendipity - The book was fab and well worth buying. I've just eaten some toblerone and now feel a little sick. Serves me right.
Both sounds great to me. I also read in the bath, but usually I have a nice glass of vino for company(:
I can relate to your winter woes. West Virginia has also received a lot of snow this year. It's cold and I'm ready for some sunshine.
andrea - I love the idea of a cool glass of wine in the bath, but I'd probably end up knocking it in with me.
I'll bet West Virginia is beautiful though.
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