Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, both here and on Facebook. I went with Rob and the teens to Corbiere Phare - this is a pic of the view, and my camera is an ancient brick of a thing as well as being fairly useless - where we had a wonderful meal. Then it was back home to visits from friends, the last one leaving at 8.40pm, which was fine as I was relaxing in front of the tv with a glass of the pink bubbly stuff to watch the second - brilliant - episode of Ashes to Ashes.
I've had a relaxing and productive week off, which has been helped no doubt by the weather being so beautifully sunny and fairly warm. As well as managing to study a little each day for my exam - groan - I've also increased the word count on my current WiP from just under 12,000 words to just over 24,000 - hurray.
Today we're out for breakfast down at St Ouens, where I'll be taking Grumps for a quick walk on the beach whilst they order the food. Rob's youngest son is then flying back home to England, and I'll then be going to visit my youngest sis, then on to catch up with my godmother who has just returned from a trip to Las Vegas.
Then it will be back to the shed and my characters who, I'm happy to say, won't stop talking to me and giving me ideas. Next week, it's back to work, but I'm not going to think about that until Monday.
PS. Rob has just come in to show me his son's flight details. He doesn't go back today, it's tomorrow morning! So we've all been woken up early when we didn't need to be. Nevermind, I'm still happy to go out to breakfast, even if getting the teens out of bed has been a little like trying to raise the dead.
Debs, those photos are gorgeous! Being woken early is ok isn't it? More writing time for you...ooops I mean studying for your exam time!
dj kirkby - thanks, the view there is so pretty and relaxing.
I'm trying to do as much studying as I should be, but would rather be writing, of course.
Gorgeous picture Debs. I quite like being up early particularly if I have permission to have breakfast out!
Souds like a perfectly relaxing birthday! Congrats on the wordcount, too, nice progress.
Have a nice weekend :)
Tremendous output, Debs - well done.
Wonderful, Debs - on all counts!
What a gorgeous view!
Congrats on the burgeoning word count!
Dreamy view, and sunshine too! A lovely birthday celebration...and fabulous word count too. All the best for the exam/s.
Oops, I missed this - happy belated birthday, and very well done on the word count, that's terrific.
That view is stunning!! I'm so glad you had a lovley birthday :-)
C x
AAAARGH!!! So very sorry Debs - missed your birthday!!! I'm so damn self-obsessed! Very many happy belated returns - which I'm now going to claw back because you've been to Corbiere AND had breakfast at St Ouens and I'm spitting with incandescent jealousy!!!! C XXXXXXX
So glad you had a lovely birthday and well done on the word count.
jj - I don't mind getting up at any time if it means someone else cooking me breakfast.
joanne - many thanks. Hope you have a great weekend too.
chris s - thank you.
jan jones - thank you too.
liane - it's a great view and just a beautiful when the weather is stormy.
l'aussie - many thanks. It's been a great week all round.
queenie - many thanks.
carol - thank you.
chris - we did think of you when we were at El Tico. We sat inside this time as the sun hadn't reached the side by the beach at that point. Great food though, of course.
suzanne - thanks very much.
Looks beautiful, Debs. It sounds like you had a lovely week off work, and topped it off with nice birthday treats. I'm back, too, today, after ten days off :-(
Aw, belated happy birthday wishes. Sounds as if you had a great week. Lovely birthday treats and well done on that word count!
Beautiful photograph!! Great word count too... :)))
Happy Belated Birthday Debs x
annieye - I had a lovely birthday and time off, thanks.
Sorry to hear you're also back at work again today. I've just had a Walnut Whip to cheer me up.
shirley - many thanks. It was great having so much time to catch up with writing. I loved it.
anna - the photo is of Corbiere Lighthouse. It's so pretty there.
amanda - many thanks, m'dear.x
Debs, congrats on all writing you got done on you time off work! Great! That's a real nice photo here. So glad your Birthday was good too.
Debs, sounds like you had a perfect birthday--with just the right amount of fuss. For it to fall on a work break is just perfect. Plenty of time for impromptu celebrations. So Grumpy gets to lie under the table in an outdoor cafe? Nice. What is a Phare?
Am very behind here sorry - happy belated birthday - thats a gorgeous pic x
kaye - many thanks. I had a wonderful week off and really made the most of it, which was helped by having so many lively teens at home and great weather.
faye - I've absolutely no idea what a 'phare' is, but it's part of the name of the restaurant that overlooks Corbiere lighthouse. It was a nightmare to find in the phone book at first as I had no idea of the spelling.
lilys - thanks very much m'dear.
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