I'm so thrilled it's Friday. I've had a busy week, which has turned out to be far more exciting than I could have imagined. It's not a writerly excitement and I'll be able to say more about it next week.
My son left a message on the answer phone the other day, saying, "You've got to call me as soon as you can. I've just met Eddie Izzard and he's awesome. Hurry up and call me back." Then added as an after thought, "It's your son by the way." Bless him, as if I wouldn't recognize his voice. Naturally I called him immediately and he told me about meeting Eddie Izzard and having had a photo taken with him. I was so jealous as I think he's fabulous and still can't quite get over how someone can run all those marathons. An amazing man with more tenacity and determination than I can imagine most people ever having.
My editing is coming along well and I intend finishing working through my MS either today or tomorrow. It has red ink on practically every page, but I'm happy with the changes I'm making and hope the improvements are as good as they can and should be.
I'm in the middle of reading Sarah Duncan's book, A Single to Rome. I've read all of her books so far and always enjoy them. As well as this book, I'll then read the next two for my Little Black Dress Thursday feature at Novelicious - it's such a treat reading these books. After that I'm looking forward to reading Crossed Wires by Rosie Thornton. I've had a sneaky peak and can't wait to start reading. Right, I suppose I'd better get back to the editing, as it won't get done without me.
Yes I'm looking forward to reading Sarah's latest, too. Loved your son's PS - what are they like!!! I am racing through the second Steig Larsson - what a writer.....
I know that red ink on every page scenario! Good luck with finishing the edits! How exciting for your son to meet Eddie Izzard!
"the editing..., won't get done without me"
What? You mean we have to do that bit as well? No editing fairies?
I'd better go and get on with it then.
Eddie Izzard? Wow - I am so jealous. I absolutely adore him.
Ha, love your son's PS. :o)
I've been bogged down in edits all week. Lovely when they're done.
Now there's an appealing thought, editing getting done without us! Happy editing, hope it all goes well.
Cool about Eddie Izzard - I think the man is clearly deranged doing all those marathons!! but how great.
Good luck with editing - I'm sure you are making your MS as fabulous as it can be x
Oh I LOVE Eddie Izzard!! How cool for your son... :)))
Looking forward to hearing your exciting news!
Glad all is good.
Eddie Izzard has some very strange friends including a dour Scot called Gordon. I'd tell your son to be careful although they have to learn from their own mistakes dont't they!
I'll have to catch up with Rosie Thornton's new book and hope its a good as the last one.
Looking forward to hearing your exciting news in due course.
I LOVE Eddie Izzard. Am so jealous.
I love Fridays, too! And Eddie Izzard. He's brilliant.
flowerpot - I haven't read any of Steig Larsson's books, but have only heard positive things about them and really must do so.
amanda - I'm seeing red when I close my eyes now and soon I'll have to get on with typing up all my edits.
jj - I know. Where are those pesky fairies when you need them. Mind you, I don't blame them for not wanting to edit for me.
shirley wells - I'm nearly at the end of mine and can't wait.
joanne - thanks, they're coming along fairly quickly, which is a relief.
alice - I hope you're right. I can see an improvement, thankfully.
anna - thanks. I'll post about it next week.
queenie - thanks. Me too.
troy - I thought of you when I posted about this :)
J and his friends are interested in politics & the one who suggested they went is a staunch Conservative, but as they're both from Jersey they can't vote in the British elections regardless of how they feel. They do both vote over here, although it's for individuals as we don't really have political parties in Jersey.
They only went so they could meet, Eddie Izzard, which is probably not why he was there, but they were thrilled to have the chance to meet him.
suzanne - me too!
melissa - he's so fabulous, I love him in films and doing stand-up.
Well done J to have met Eddie Izzard!
You are fantastic Debs to have written sooo many words, that I am jelous of!?
Can't wait to hear your news next week.
Love Tess x
tess - I know, I was so envious and he was delighted.
I'll post about my news next week, but it isn't writerly, I'm afraid. x
Oh I am so looking forward to hearing your news! I've just started reading 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'.
Ooh, lucky son.
Love your son's post script. So sweet:-)
Good luck with that editing and enjoy the long weekend.
Debs, I just couldn't help but laugh about your son saying it was him calling, lol. He sounds like such a cool kid.
Edits? did someone say edits? Oh boy. It never ends does it. Always edits to do on some MS.
There's nothing like the promise of exciting news to whet the appetite! Loking forwards to hearing it.
I don't know how you fit everything in, Debs, you are really amazing!
dj - it's not writerly so probably not that exciting to anyone apart from me.
I like the look of that book and at some point must get round to reading it.
helen - I know! He's having so much fun at uni and he seems to be working too.
lane - many thanks, and the same to you m'dear.
kaye - he is lovely and has a brilliant humour.
Thankfully these edits aren't as painful as they could have been.
chris - I'm so excited about it, but it isn't writerly, but it does affect me day to day, so it's important to me.
I think you're probably a lot busier than me :)
lol Your son sounds so sweet, and how jealous am I he met Eddie Izzard, he is so so funny!
Good luck with the editing. I shall be doing the same all weekend.
Eddie Izzard! I'd so love to meet him!
I'll have to pick up Sarah Duncan's book. I love the cover!
Good luck with the editing and enjoy the weekend!
Wow! What a book title and then the sub-title--sex, love, and pasta. Is that like a holy trinity for romance novels? :-) I know you love having your son still wanting to call you immediately to share exciting news like celebrity spottings. My friend K talks with her grown son every day--it's just nice.
Glad you're feeling good about the editing, Debs. Enjoy the weekend and keep working that red pen!
I am jealous of J too!! I LOVE Eddie Izzard...he is just brilliant!!
Have a lovely weekend and mind not to overdo it with the red pen :-)
C x
lily - he was so excited to meet EI.
Good luck with the editing. I've just finished - again. Now have to type it all up.
talli - me too, I'm sure he'd be so interesting.
I'm really enjoying, A Single to Rome and wish I had more time to just sit and get on with it. It's so good.
Hope you have a great weekend too.
faye - it does have everything, and the hero is fabulous too.
You're right, I was thrilled. I love that although he's getting on with his life and so busy, he still wants to tell me when something exciting happens.
carol - I know, lucky devil.
Red pen has almost run out now! Thankfully I've finished using it and just need to type up all the corrections.
Hope the editing is going well m'dear TFx
As titles go, A Single to Rome sorta hits the spot for me. Will look it up online.
Hope the weekend was great, Debs!
Hows the editing going? I havent read that book yet but have just finished Bestseller by Alessandro Gu....something or other...brilliant book which I know you will def relate to. If you get the chance have a look:)
tf - editing finished and I'm now typing up my changes.
liane - I'm loving this book, but have so many other things I should be doing and can't help having a sneaky read every so often.
motherx - I will do, thanks.
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