Saturday 17 April 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe it's been a month already and that J is now preparing to return to uni. I say 'preparing' in the broadest sense, as to be honest he doesn't seem to be doing anything any differently. His washed, ironed/folded clothes are where they've been left in his room since I put them there and I don't think he's actually fully unpacked his bag since arriving. However, it's been wonderful having him back for a month and now I've got to take him to the airport on Monday and be brave again.

He's concerned that as all the flights have been cancelled in and out of the island for the time being, he's going to be late returning to uni and will miss lectures. I've got a feeling he's more bothered about missing his girlfriend, L, rather than any lectures, and I can't say I blame him. No doubt I'd be exactly the same.

Grumps has had a great month driving J mad by barking at him and racing up the stairs after him every time he goes to his room. I don't think J will miss him too much, and will probably be glad of a bit of peace.

I suppose I do talk to him all the time on the phone and thankfully there's email too. Also, S never shuts up long enough for me to feel like the house is too quiet. She insists she won't miss him at all and going by the constant bickering between them, I think she probably means it.

Grumps and I will miss him though. Sigh.

Updated PS J's flight for Monday has been cancelled, although he's been down to the harbour and queued with many other people and now has a place on an extra boat that's been scheduled for Tuesday. So, if his flight is cancelled again, at least he'll be able to get to England by Tuesday night. He's much happier now, as is his sister who is secretly hoping he'll forget about the Easter egg he still hasn't eaten.


Anna Scott Graham said...

So hard when they go! Thinking of you, and hoping those flights sort themselves soon!

5 Kids With Disabilities said...

Those little breaks home from college are a good transition to adult life. He is gone, then comes for a visit. When he is an "adult", his visits will be shorter, but the telephone and e-mail will still be there. If your son is anything like my son, even when he was home on school break, we rarely saw him!
Lindsey Petersen

Queenie said...

Parting is so hard but it'll be summer before you know it.

Flowerpot said...

Take grumps for a long walk Debs and come back and have a glass of wine. Won't make him come back any quicker but at least this sun helps a bit I find.

Faye said...

So are your flights affected by this volcanic ash from Iceland? Amazing. Your descriptions of uni son has me thinking of one I knew many, many years ago. His mother often commented on the same things, Debs. I suppose Grumps sees himself as the annoying younger brother when your son is home? :-)

DJ Kirkby said...

It's amazing how far reaching the volcanic ash has been. What is has done to the London Book Fair is shocking and sad. Though not as sad as you and Divadog probably feel right now. I gave you an award, hope it cheers you up a bit. x

Carol said...

My Mum always says that the house is really quiet when I leave....I can never work out whether she is sad about that or whether she thinks its nice to have peace and quiet and her house back!!

He'll be back before you know it....

C x

Talli Roland said...

Fingers crossed he gets home OK! It's amazing how much disruption this ash has caused!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

anna - thanks. He's so cross with all the disruption.

lindsey - You're so right. He's either been sleeping, or out pretty much most of the time, although we have had some lovely lunches and evenings watching tv together, which was lovely.

queenie - that's true. I'm looking forward to Summer and more time off.

flowerpot - that's a great idea, I'll do it.

faye - my son is beside himself that something so far away is effecting us here. Grumps is like a little brother in that he's always a pain to J.

dj - many thanks for the award, I'll go and have a look now.

The timing with the end of school/uni holidays and LBF is dreadful, I feel awful for all those effected.

carol - that made me laugh. It's true that it's quiet when he's gone and there's no bickering, but I do miss him not being here too.

talli - thanks. It is incredible that the disruption is so far spread.

Denise said...

Looks like you might have him there a few more days yet with all this chaos continuing!

Troy said...

I'm sure there are a lot worse places to be marooned than Jersey in the springtime.
I would send a food parcel but of course there are no flights.

Chris Stovell said...

Oh dear. Good for you and Grumps to have him home but it must be getting frustrating for him now.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Hope J gets back to Uni soon (although I know it will be hard on you - they grow up too fast).

Love the photo.


Kaye Manro said...

I know you will miss him, Debs. Though let's hope he finally gets his flight back to uni.

Anna Scott Graham said...

Oh Debs, I feel just the same; I loved DT, but think MS is great! Can't wait to see next week's show... :)))

Liane Spicer said...

Aww. It's so hard when they go and grow up on you. Mine is 26, has been living on his own for 5 years and I haven't gotten used to it yet.

But it's doubly nice when they visit.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

denise - we do have an extra day, as he's now booked on a boat as well as a plane and we're going to go out to lunch today, which will be lovely.

troy - I'm happy being stranded here, but he's 19 and wants to get back to see his girlfriend, so not so impressed.

chris - it is, although he's a little happier now he knows he can definitely go on Tuesday.

suzanne - I hate it when he leaves, but it makes me feel better to know that he has so many friends he wants to go and be with.

kaye - thanks. He will get there tomorrow either by boat or plane, so he's happy now.

anna - oh me too. I'm loving the new Dr Who. He seems to have been born to play this part.

liane - they grow up so quickly, don't they? People tell you this will happen, but I never knew it would do so this quickly.

Carol said...

Just popped over to let you know that there is an award for you over at mine :-)

C x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

carol - many thanks, m'dear.

CC Devine said...

I did laugh about the Easter egg bit. Sounds so familiar. It was a dog eat dog world in my house when it came to chocolate. Only stopped when my brother moved out!

Cheryl said...

Lovely pic. Just think him going will make it all the nicer when he returns :)

Kat W said...

Sibling love - isn't it lovely :-) My two bicker but as soon as they're apart miss each other. However, they're only 6 & 8 so not sure what they'll be like with teen hormones.

And as regards missing J when he's at Uni - I can imagine I will definitely miss mine terribly as I don't think it matters how old they are we still feel like they're our babies!

Unknown said...

S is clearly a girl after my own heart. I'd be thinking Easter egg too. :o)
Horrid when they leave, isn't it? And KatW is right; it doesn't matter how old they are.