Sunday 16 May 2010

Enjoying The Moment

It's been a busy few weeks and this week I have:

My nephew's 18th birthday - he was born the day my adorable and much missed grandmother died - which was also the day I held a party for my sister's 17th birthday. That was definitely a day filled with mixed emotions.

My ex brother-in-law's 40th birthday - Great chap. I shan't be going to his party, but my daughter will be. He's been in hospital for the past 7 weeks after an horrific motorbike accident and it's a relief that he's able to celebrate this birthday.

My sister's birthday: Happy Birthday Rach.x

My father's 40th anniversary of his plane crash - I'm always so grateful things didn't turn out differently and that I've had all these wonderful years with him.

There are many other things going on this week too, but for now, I'm going to sit back and relax. Time to catch up with some reading and enjoy the weekend before it's over.


Talli Roland said...

Wow, that does sound like a busy time! Happy birthday to your sister, too.

Enjoy the reading! :)

Lane Mathias said...

You've got a lot of celebrating this week. Have fun.

Queenie said...

My goodness, what a hectic week! Enjoy your relaxation, it sounds very necessary.

Unknown said...

One word - exhaustion!


Cheryl said...

I'm exhausted just reading about all that is going on. I hope you got some relaxation in!

Denise Covey said...

Life is amazing with its ups and downs. I hope you had the best time with all these celebrations.

Kaye Manro said...

Your week is as hectic as mine, Debs! And I have a blog tour this week!

Enjoy your relaxing time on Sunday.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Lots going on. Hope you manage to get some reading done.


Jenny Beattie said...

That really is a busy time. Have you found any time for writing/reading/editing?

DJ Kirkby said...

I did think things must be hectic for you as it's been a while since your last post. Nice to see you back. xo

Jen said...

Blimey Debs, your life sounds like the storyline of a drama - lots of tough things going on but plenty to celebrate. Hope you managed to r e l a x...

Chris Stovell said...

Hmm, mixed memories bringing mixed emotions there, Debs.

Anna Scott Graham said...

I love taking stock, seeing the joy that surrounds... Definitely sounds like you do to. :)))

Have a lovely week!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Thanks ladies. It's a busy old week that's for certain. x

Casdok said...

Happy birthday all round! Hope you are able to relax!!

sheepish said...

Rather belated congrats for your new job and hope you enjoy your week, it sounds exhausting but with exam work out of the way I'm sure you will enjoy yourself.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

casdok - I don't know what day it is at the moment with all this going on :)

sheepish - thank you. I'm thrilled not to have to think about the exam any more and will no doubt enjoy myself.

Amanda said...

Lots of happy birthdays, how lovely! My dad was 80 on Sunday - and he's still working - there's got to be a short story in that, surely! X

Karen said...

Lots of important dates there. Most of mine don't fall until September, then it's all go until after Christmas!

(Oops, sorry for mentioning the C word so early ...)

Flowerpot said...

A lot of anniversaries for you Debs - enjoy your reading too!

Carol said...

Oooh, lots of lovely celebrations!! Enjoy every minute!!

Chris and I have just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and I shall be celebrating the end of my first year at Uni next friday!! I can't wait!!

C x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

amanda - Happy belated birthday wishes to your dad. I agree, there's definately a short story there.

karen - you said the C word! You sound like you have a busy few months coming your way this autumn.

flowerpot - thanks, I'm loving my reading, but getting itchy fingers to get back to my wip now.

carol - Happy Belated Anniversary wishes to you both.

I can't believe it's a whole year already. Congratulations to you and such hard work.

Nishant said...

You've got a lot of celebrating this week. Have fun.
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Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Nishant - thank you.