I've just started reading Susie Vereker's book, Tropical Connections and as I suspected I'm loving it.
I love Susie's books. Having travelled the world first as an army officer's daugher and then as the wife of a diplomat, she's experienced many different cultures and fascinating places, which we can enjoy through her wonderful novels. I don't care how busy I am this weekend, I'll definitely be making time for this book.
I've just spent an hour watering my parched garden, as well as the dog who seems to think that the hose pipe is there solely to entertain him. So he's soaking wet and a little muddy now too and only two days after being bathed. So typical.
It's time to vote for your favourite Shed of the Year 2010. I had such fun entering my shed into the 2009 competition and couldn't believe it when I ended up being a category winner. (I'm not in it this year so please don't worry about voting for me). I was even a guest blogger for the International Shed Women's Week in March this year, and to think that until a couple of years ago, I though sheds were simply cobweb-filled places where you store old bicycles and garden tools.
Have a great weekend.
It's so funny how dogs just love to be wet and muddy!
Congrats again on the Shed, Debs. I'm off to cast my vote for yours. It is such a cool place-- and yes who would have known? I know I didn't think about sheds until you showed us yours.
I've cast my vote for you! Good luck!
Off to cast my vote too, Debs!
Have a great weekend X
(my word verification is Sodif! - just had to share that!)
You should have entered again debs. Isn't your shed a different colour this year?
Glad Grumps had fun with the hose pipe:-)
(enjoy A2A tonight!)
Hi Debs, had to come and take a peak after you won the Wordless Wednesday comp at Chez Aspie. Sorry to see the 100 words a day blog seems to have ended, that looked fun. Seems I'll enjoy this blog though, we Aussies are very into our sheds.
My shed IS a cobweb-filled place full of garden tools, but I shall be going in there this weekend as it also houses the garden furniture and it's really sunny so that will be coming out, hurrah! Hope your weather is as good as ours, and that you have a great weekend too.
kaye - thanks, but I haven't entered this year, so no need to worry about voting. I just think the competition is such fun that I like to support it.
chris - thanks.
amanda - thanks, but not to worry, I haven't entered this year.
Love the word verification.
lane - you're right it is. I prefer it this colour too.
He loves the hose and is such a pain when I'm trying to water the garden.
So sad A2A is finished. Loved it.
cheryl - I use the 100 words a day whenever I'm writing my first draft of a book, so will be using it again soon. I think it's just there for whenever we need it, as encouragement to get writing.
queenie - lol. Our weather is gorgeous too, thankfully, and I'm going to get out there and make the most of it, just in case this IS our summer!
Ah funny Divadog :) How come you're not in the shed comp this year? I'm completely engrossed in the Steig Larrson novels at the moment, on two of three and enjoying every word.
My two children have the same magnetic attraction to the hosepipe and the same outcome as Grumpy.
Thank you, Debs, for your encouraging words.
Good luck with shed!
Enjoy the book and soak up the sun :) TFX
My brain is where I keep the cobwebs and redundant tools. The shed houses a ginormous chest freezer that positively oozes with decadently expensive ice cream.
I like to think of you in there (your shed, not my freezer). I would very much like to see your shed one day, when I next hit the rock.
dj - I wasn't sure if I could enter twice and thought people probably had enough of me and the shed in last years competition ;)
michelle - I can imagine. My two were exactly the same, but at least they didn't try to bite the hose like Grumps insists on doing.
susie - I've finished your book in two sittings and loved it. So good.
tf - loving the sun and can't believe it's back to work again tomorrow.
spiralskies - lol. Love the sound of all that icecream and giggled at the thought of you visiting me in your freezer.
I must check Amazon U.S. for Susie's books. Enjoy her blog tours, especially if there's a great garden with photos. Like her taste in movies as well. Grumpy plays in water? He seems much too dignified. :-)
Any plans for the shed this year--or is it just about Baby Bear's Soup? Oh, BTW, hope new job is going well.
Don't get me on the subject of sheds!
Our shed is so big, it's like a airplane hanger AND it's ugly. We live in a grade 2 * listed barn, and we have been advised that it doesn't meet any of the planning/conservation dept specifications and have to clad it with wavy edged timber and put oak shingles on the roof, if you please!
Your shed on the other hand is gorgeous. You should have entered again Debs.
warm wishes
Hope you had a fun & relaxing weekend in the sun reading Susie Vereker's Tropical Connections.
I'm envious of people who have travelled - one day I'd like to see more of the world & experience different cultures. I'm sure it has enhanced her writing & as a reader a love to experience places through a story - sometimes makes me feel like I've travelled more than I physically have!
faye - I love Susie's books, they're well worth getting.
No plans for the shed this year, apart from spending time sitting in it and mulling over plots etc.
New job starts on 8th June. I'm excited and nervous and will be glad to get my first week out of the way.
bluestocking mum - your house sounds gorgeous, but all that cladding sounds very expensive. I'm glad my shed can be left well alone.
kat - I agree. All those experiences and travelling does show through into her books and you feel like you're there whilst enjoying a thumping good read too.
Oh I'm sorry you're not in the Shed competition this year Debs. Good luck with the new job though.
I'm going to check out some of these sheds althouh I don't see why you couldnt have entered again, its a pretty impressive shed. Maybe I should enter mine with its make shift gym going on in there!
flowerpot - many thanks. I'll be glad to get the first week over and done with.
Lily - thanks, m'dear. You should have entered, it's great fun.
What a great competition. I'm off to vote now!
I can't wait to read Susie's book, too!
I would have voted for you if you were in it.
Talli - the competition is great fun. I had no idea before entering last year that so many creative ideas had gone into peoples' sheds.
Great book.
suzanne - thanks very much.x
Glad Grumps had fun with the hose pipe:-
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Delighted you enjoyed Tropical Connections! Made my day.
And thanks to Talli and Faye too.
Nishant - he's a complete pain when it comes to trying to water the garden.
susie - loved it. Such a good book.
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