Monday 23 August 2010

Who Needs Sunshine?

I'm half way through my two weeks holiday and so far I think only two of those have been sunny. To be honest, I've spent most of the first week catching up with my writing To Do List in the shed and now I'm nearly ready to be able to disappear - mentally at least - into a book that I started writing a few months ago, but which I put aside to work on other things.

I was lucky enough to be a winner over at DJ Kirkby's blog and she very kindly sent me these pots of her delicious Hot Hedgerow Chutney and a Blackberry Jam. That woman is so talented, and can not only write a great book, but cooks beautifully too. Thanks DJ.

I've been busy seeing people, mainly in restaurants - hence the tightening waistband - and one of my favourite places for a quick evening meal this summer, has been St Catherine's Cafe. It's right on the waterfront, near an impressive breakwater that my great, great grandfather came over to the island to work on in the 1850s. I tend to walk the dog whilst daughter, son, other members of the family find a table inside and then we all sit down to enjoy our food. It's incredibly tasty and reasonable, and the spareribs are delicious. Even the grumpy one isn't forgotten. Here's a picture of his food, which I hasten to add was fed to him over two days, despite his objections.

My sister had a housewarming last week and as is the case when you have a large family in one room, the conversations change constantly. Sis was saying how much she's enjoying reading a book, but was taken aback to see the 'C' word in it.
"What did you say?" asked Granny.
"The 'C' word," she repeated. "I was horrified to see it in my book."
"What? Cardigan?"

Have a good week and may the flippin' sun start shining on us all.


Carol said...

LOL at cardigan!! That is totally priceless!!

Congratulations on winning DJ's jams...I know from experience just how yummy they are!

Hope the sun comes out for the second half of your holiday

C x

DAB said...

Hmmmm, homemade jam. Yum! Yum! Your granny sounds really great :) Hope the sun comes out to play for you soon. TFx

Pauline Barclay said...

Mmmm now I fancy a rack of spare ribs!
Big smile at the C word!

And in the hope it will arrive for the last week of your holiday, I am sending lots of sunshine to you, it will take a moment or two to arrive, 4,000kms away, but it is on its way. Have a fabby second week of your hols! x

DJ Kirkby said...

"Cardigan" C word ever :) Glad you enjoyed your harvest treats. xo

Chris Stovell said...

Grumpy's treat looks pretty good too... or am I just hungry?!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you’re having a busy time.
Hope the weather brightens up for you.

All the best, Boonie

Casdok said...

That made me laugh!!
Denyse is very talented isnt she!

Jayne said...

ROFL at Cardigan - that's funny. I hope the sun shines too, I'm on day one of a week's holiday too :) x

Lane Mathias said...

Such a shocking word!:-)

I didn't realize you have such a long history on the island. Fantastic.

Talli Roland said...

Cardigan - ha! Love it!

Grumpy's treat looks yummy.

Melissa Amateis said...

I'll send you some of my sun! I'm heartily sick of it and would love to have a week of gray, rainy days. (I think I need to move!).

Queenie said...

I laughed out loud at C word = cardigan. Priceless! Thanks, Debs.

Jan n Jer said...

LOL...loved your Grannys response.

Kaye Manro said...

I hope you get sunshine for holiday! I love home made jam, and your granny sounds wonderful!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Glad you all liked the C-word story and thanks for the wishes for more sun! Still waiting for it to make an appearance for longer than 10 minutes. x

sheepish said...

Really won't mention the wall to wall sunshine here, although I have to say that 35degrees day after day does get a bit tedious. Sorry didn't say that, holidays are good whatever the weather and you are in alovely part of the world.Enjoy.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

sheepish - I wouldn't mind that weather for my two weeks holiday, but it may be a little too hot for when I have to go back to work, especially if I have to look out of the window at everyone in the sunshine :)

Anna Scott Graham said...

If there was some way to send you a bit of our 100F degree heat today, it would be off in a minute!

Happy hols... :)))

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

anna - many thanks. Some sun and a little heat would be welcome, but maybe not 100F, that sounds so hot!

Ellie Garratt said...

Cardigan?! That made me laugh.

The jam sounds lovely.

twilight jewellery said...

Wow.. This is great! I can say that this is the first time I visited the site and I found out that your post is interesting to read. Anyway, thanks of sharing your wonderful experience and I definitely visit here more often.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

ellie - it was so funny.

The jam is delicious

twilight jewellery - thanks for popping by, your comment and saying you'll come back again. I'm now off to visit you.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Hehe - cardigan.

DJ is a very talented lady.


Liane Spicer said...

Hahahahaha! Cardigan!

I'd send you some sun but we're in deluge season and it hasn't been letting up lately. Hot and wet. Squelch!

Enjoy the rest of your hols, sun or not!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

suzanne - she certainly is, and my toast is much tastier for it too.

liane - we're warm & wet, so not quite sure which is better.

Thanks, am loving having some time off to do as I please.

Flowerpot said...

love it debs! And do hope ou get some sunshine this weekend - we have here! x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

flowerpot - thank you. We did get some sunshine yesterday, but it seems to be hiding behind thick cloud again today. I don't ever remember it being this bad.x