No doubt by Wednesday I'll be wondering why I'm putting myself through this self-imposed torture, but towards the end - going my my experience last year - I'll be obsessed with getting my story down and the feeling of achievement at the end is well worth the month of maniacal typing and angst.
My family simply think that I'm a little crazy, but that's nothing new, and I'll still be reading/reviewing for Novelicious and Bookersatz throughout the month, but as I only work part-time and have one teenager at home, I have more time than most to do any writing.
Good luck with everyone taking part. If you haven't already entered and think that it might be fun to give it a go, there's still time as it doesn't start until 1st November. Here's the link
Good luck m'dear :). 50,000 words phew! After evey 1000, stuff thy gob with chocolate ;-) TFx
Good luck! Go! Fight! Win! :-)
Im doing it for the same reasons Debs! Good luck and don't forget to sleep occasionally :o)
From the title of this post, I have an image of you doing press ups against your desk in the shed. What would Grumpy think:-)
Good luck Debs and keep us posted on your progress.
Good luck, Debs! I'm sure you'll get some great writing done.
Good luck Debs. I shall be cheering from the sidelines.
Best of luck, Debs. I'll be there writing along side you!
Good luck Debs. I didn't sign up but I'll be thinking of you all and if you get a chance do drop by my halloween blog party for a last fling beforehand! :O)
Good luck Debs, or should I say amaranthus? I'm really looking forward to my first NaNo ever and think it'll be a hectic but fun month. See you in NaNoLand!
Go Debs go!!!
Good luck with the project. I admire you for doing it. I couldn’t.
All the best, Boonie
Good luck Debs, we are all there with you cheering you on. x
Go for it Debs - atta girl! x
Good luck, Debs!
Thanks for the encouraging comments. I've started off well and managed over 1k words before 6.30 this morning. We'll see how I get on, but so far, so good.x
Good luck!
Congratulations on the best blog around. How do you get to have so many more hours in the day than the rest of us!??
We wish you all the best with the writing and of course hope you remember to take Grumpy for his walk!
With lots of love from your friends in South Africa x
Gran - thanks.
Tess - I think I probably sleep less than most people do, or so my husband says! x
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