I woke up to more snow this morning, but thankfully it's a Sunday and I don't have to go anywhere. My stepson arrived from Manchester yesterday, although he was slightly delayed, and now I'm just hoping that the weather warms up for Thursday when my son is coming home for Christmas.

I have to admit that all this snow has made me feel far more festive than I usually do and apart from one or two presents still to buy, pretty much everything is ready for 25th. I'll have fifteen family members coming for lunch on 25th and my brother and his fiance are expecting their first baby. She's already overdue and I can't wait to be an auntie again
Thankfully, with all this excitement going on, I only have two working days between 24th December and 4th January, so will have plenty of time to catch up with any writing and editing, and intend spending the rest of my time in front of the fire reading Trisha Ashley's best selling book, Twelve Days of Christmas, which is now at #1 in the Island Book Charts. You can read Kira Slaughter's review on Novelicious
So, what plans do you have for this Christmas?
I tend to sit down on my butt, count my blessings, take stock of life whilst stuffings chocolates in my gob :-)
Have a wonderful Christmas (hope your son arrives back in time) and a Happy New Year to both you and yours :) TFxx
tf - it sounds to me as if you've got the right idea.
Hope you have a fab Christmas and 2011 too. x
Ooo, pretty snow. We don't have any yet. Maybe that's why I haven't felt the holiday spirit hit me yet. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and you get everything you want - like a new niece or nephew. =o)
My plans for this Christmas are relaxing with my family, eating too much and reading a lot. I might even write a word or two, but I think I'm giving myself permission to have a vacation, if I want.
We've had 25cm of snow here in south Wales. We made it out yesterday to stock up with food - it was either that or eat cat food! - and now we're back home in the warm, I'm planning to snuggle up by the fire with the pussy cat and read, drink tea and then switch to mulled wine in the evenings. And repeat every day of the holidays!
I hope all your family makes it home for Christmas and your new niece arrives safely in time to join you. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!
The snow looks beautiful! I have a few days off for the holidays, will spend time with my family.
15 relatives? How brave you are! I hope someone else will be doing the washing up.
Hope it all goes wonderfully and that the snow is pretty without being too disruptive. Happy Christmas!
Very glad you have time off from work between Christmas and New Year, Debs. Sounds like you'll need some time for hostessing duties. Hope you get a Christmas baby. I love asnowy Christmas but you're proably getting a bit bored with it, plus disrupting travel plans for children?
As for my plans,meeting friends at a bourbon whiskey distillery for lunch on Wed. That couldn't end well. . .
Beautiful pic...I'm almost ready too and i too have Trisha book to enjoy in the next few days.
have a wonderful Christmas.
Wow, 15 for Xmas dinner, go you! If that doesn't provide enough material for a shortie or two, I don't know what would. It'll be the opposite here, just me and my Paramour, but that suits us fine. Hope you have a wonderful time.
looks very festive Debs and hope you enjoy Trisha's book - am sure you will. I will be spending Xmas in the High Dependency Unit - Pip taken worse. Sorry to put a; damper on things.
We're snowed in at the moment. It looks pretty, but I still have soooo much shopping to do!!
Sounds like you'll have a houseful for Christmas, hope you have a lovely time :o)
B.E.- I think I'll have to give myself a bit of a vacation too and try to catch up with all the wonderful books I've been dying to read.
kath - it sounds like you've got the perfect way to deal with all that snow. Keep warm.
gran - have a lovely time with your family.
bernadette - most of our snow has gone now and I hope it stays away at least until my son gets home and the baby is born.
faye - ooh, meeting friends at a bourbon whiskey distillery for lunch sounds like a wonderful idea. Have fun.
liz - it sounds as if we'll both be enjoying a wonderful book over the next few days.
queenie - I think Rob and I'll be doing the same next year.
flowerpot - hugs to you and the very best wishes to Pip. So sorry to hear he's taken a turn for the worse.
karen - I hope you manage to get all your shopping done in time.
Have a lovely Christmas lovely commenters.x
I shall be following Tom Foolery's example, as well as reading Trisha's book :)
You're very brave, having 15 for dinner. Wishing you and yours a lovely family and happy time. And I hope to meet up again in 2011.
warm wishes
C is coming home on thurs too 8)
Being an auntie is the best isnt it! Hope all goes well and you all have a wonderful christmas.
Debs - thank you and the same to you. I hope we can meet up in 2011, it was such fun the last time.x
casdok - I'll bet you can't wait to have C back with you for Christmas. Hope you both have a wonderful time. x
Happy Christmas, Deb and everyone!I plan to spend the holiday enjoying time with my husband and daughter - and possibly spending a couple of days in the Lakes.
Fifteen family members! Gosh - have tons of fun! I am feeling more winter than festive - although after the solstice I'll probably feel more Christmas. I need to wrap presents while listening to Christmas songs, that usually does the trick. :)
Your house looks so pretty.
15 for lunch! I'm very impressed - you domestic goddess you:-)
Hope your son makes it home without any delays. It seems to be easing off a bit now - thankfully.
Hope you have a very lovely Christmas my dear.
Pretty snow! I'm glad everyon arrived safe and sound. I'm relaxing around London at Christmas and then off to Cairo for New Year's! Can't wait for some HEAT!
Merry Christmas!
15....wow! I don't cook Christmas dinner and there are only three of us!
We have Christmas day at home this year with visits to family in the days following. Looking forward to some quality time with the family.
Oh, and Trisha's Twelve days of Christmas is a fantastic book - enjoy! :-)
Forgot to add,
Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great day! xx
phillipa - it sounds as if you have a lovely Christmas to look forward to.
jayne - that would do the trick for me to.
lane - thank you. I do hope he gets back okay, then I can relax and enjoy myself.
helen - you do, m'dear.
talli - Cairo? What bliss. Hope you have a fabulous time.
lucie - hope you have a wonderful time with your family. I'm looking forward to catching up with mine too.
Me and Lolly are off to Mum and Dads for crimbo. We have bro and sis-in-law coming from sleaford (weather pending). My other brother just made me a first time auntie so will be heading down to Plymouth to meet little Lola next week. I will be getting fat and merry and squeezing some reading and writing in there for sure.
Enjoy the holidays x
Going to spend it with the two girls, one hubby, a few menacing hummingbirds. Looking forward to the whole thing! Happy Christmas to you all... :)))
Fifteen? Oh, you brave, brave soul! Hope it all goes swimmingly and that you have a wonderful time with the family.
I shall be reading. And eating. And drinking. And eating. Then, after all that strenuous stuff, I think I'll probably have a chocolate or three.
Happy Christmas!
Hey Debs, well I'll be tucking into my ice cream Christmas pudding - need cold foods here wiith our hot Christmas! Lovely snow photos - stay warm. Wanted to stop by and say thank you for visiting Kangaroos of the Scrubby Bush this year, I've appreciated your comments! You've made Spooks all the more exciting as I wait to lose my hero in every episode! Have a fantastic Christmas and here's to a super sensational 2011.
Lily - it sounds like you have a lovely Christmas ahead of you. Congratulations on becoming an auntie.
anna - it sounds like it's going to be great fun. I'm glad those hummingbirds are joining you too.
shirley - you too. I think I'll also be having a chocolate or three.
cheryl - I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog this year and look forward to more in 2011. Hope you have a fabulous, warm Christmas.
Hi Debs,
Another lovely post from you to leave me with a smile. Also thank you for all your support of Turning the Tide this year which I've really appreciated. Here's wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and successful New Year. Cx
Chris - I loved TTT and can't wait to read your next book. I hope you and your family (including poor Ma) have a wonderful Christmas & excellent 2011. x
Here's to you and Grumps and everyone else having a wonderful Holiday, Debs!
kaye - thanks, same to you. x
jan - Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too.
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