Sunday 3 January 2016

New Website/Good Books

Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope that 2016 is full of bookish loveliness, long sunny days and much time spent reading and writing, or maybe that comes under the bookish loveliness?

I began the New Year by setting up Happy New Year posts on my Debs Carr and Georgina Troy Facebook pages using a 2015 picture! No one mentioned it and I thought that maybe no one had noticed, then as time moved and I spoke to people it turns out that the only person who hadn't noticed my 'deliberate mistake' was me! Quelle surprise, not. Great start to the year and so typical of me.

Having spent days fretting about not being able to access this blog - although it turns out that I needed to access it via a defunct email address... long, very dull story - I set up a new website: Now for a non-techy person this takes time and not a little confusion, but it's getting there, slowly.

As for resolutions, I usually aim to lose weight, write more books and read as many books as I can, do more/any exercise, etc.

This year, I'm going to aim to do something I know I'll enjoy doing and that will be writing at least one more book and reading as many of my talented friends' books that are waiting for me on my Kindle as possible. I began reading Girl Number One by Jane Holland last night and only stopped because the battery on my Kindle died! It's a brilliant book and I'm going to say bye now and carry on reading it. If you haven't read it yet, you're missing a treat.

Happy New Year, once again! x


Rosemary Gemmell said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Debs - wishing you great writing success this year! Off to have a look at your new website.

Jane said...

Thanks so much, Debs. Wishing you even more success this year than I've had with Girl Number One!

Jane x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Thank you very much Rosemary, and the same to you. Thanks also for visiting my new website and leaving a lovely comment, much appreciated.x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Thanks very much, Jane. If I had even half the success with my book that you've had with Girl Number One I'd be delighted. x

Mya M said...

Hello mate great bblog post