Monday, 13 June 2016

Rachel Abbott's Workshop

On Saturday I was lucky enough to be able to attend a Self-Publishing workshop given by the massively successful author, Rachel Abbott. I've been to a talk with Rachel before and I also love her books, so was very excited to be able to spend 7.5 hours listening to her wisdom about publishing and marketing and have not only written pages and pages of notes that I'll hopefully decipher and type up soon, but have been inspired by everything that she said.

Attending the workshop, arranged by fellow author and past Chair of the Jersey Writers Association, Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, were a range of people. Some had written books and were self-published, or, like me, hybrid authors, others were in the process of writing books, but we all had a great time and learnt a lot.

So, if you ever get a chance to attend one of Rachel's brilliantly informative talks do go along, you'll be glad you did. I know I was. I'm not off to read her new book, Kill Me Again!

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