Orange dye in a sore eye to check that it wasn't scratched. It wasn't but he does need cream administered to it three times a day for the next five days. A painful back causing him to shake (this happened sometime yesterday) and so he has to have a muscle relaxant for the next five days and a worming tablet because I haven't wormed him in the past six months (I thought it was annually). I couldn't pay at the surgery because the computers were down so no doubt I shall be getting a nasty shock in the post within the next few days.

Thanks to dj kirby for my gorgeous orange award for being this weeks Wordless Wednesday Caption Winner. I love the award and thoroughly enjoy this fun and beautiful blog.
Now I don't know about you but I don't often tell people that I write but when someone does unearth what exactly it is that I spend all those hours doing in the shed, I find that they invariably ask one of the following questions, 'Is it published?' and 'What's it about?'
So today, inspired by ray-anne's post a couple of weeks ago about Loglines, I decided it was about time I worked on mine for Bea Stings, Truth & Other Lies and Reading Paige because if I can't already tell you what my books are about in two sentences then I need to work out how I'm going to. Let's face it, I can hardly whip out a synopsis and quote from it whenever I'm asked these questions now can I? I'm fine-tuning them at the moment but producing loglines, like writing a synopsis, is far harder than it looks.
Here's to a relaxing and sunny bank holiday weekend.
Awh poor Grumpy, give him a hug from me. Just read Ray-Anne's post about loglines, can't wait to hear yours!
Hope Grumpy's bill isn't too humungous. He looks very happy surrounded by his softies:-)
A two sentence 'summing up' is soo difficult. I shall have to have a good think about this I think!
Well done on the caption win Debs and have a relaxing long weekend:-)
yvonne - he's looking a bit perkier this morning, bless him.
These loglines are quite difficult to do but once I have them I can at least explain quickly what my books are about.
lane - I know, I'm not looking forward to receiving the bill. I hope their computer stays down for a bit.
Thanks and hope you have a lovely long weekend too.
Awwww your poor wee moggie - I hope he feels better soon!! (I'm rubbish when there is anything wrong with our splats.....lugs once got ear mites and we had to clean his ears twice a was traumatic for all concerned!!)
Good luck with your summary - that kind of thing is not easy to do!!
C x
My terrier, Archie, sends his love and empathises. On Wednesday he had his large canine tooth removed and has stitches in his mouth so isn't happy. I demanded a pre-med for him and extra painkillers.
Looks like Grumpy's being nursed brilliantly.
Much love to poor Grumpy x
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carol & chris - thank you. I don't have too much of a problem acting as veterinarian nurse but he hates every second of it.
fiona - thanks and much sympathy to poor Archie. Good for you requesting the pre-med and extra painkillers. I hope he feels much better soon.
helenmh - thank you, he's feeling a little happier today.
genevieve hinson - thanks for letting me know, I'll take a look.
Thank you for the kind words. And yes, it is difficult.
It was reassuring to read in your post re the London Book Fair, that Jonny Geller, I think it was, said that he had a ten word rule on what the story was about.
That certainly got me thinking!
Keep smiling and I hope the sun shines. :-)
Poor Grumpy! Hope he feels better soon! My cats have just been for their boosters and they def werent speaking to me afterwards!!
I wouldnt have a clue how to write a synopsis...good luck.x
Oh poor little doggie, that is awful when pets are ill, I think they are so much like additional children in the family. I have tagged you over on my blog. I don't understand this bit you wrote about loglines and will have to go read more about it on Ray-Anne's blog.
Ha! I'm a closet writer too. I will think up all manner of weird excuses for my behaviour rather than tell people what I'm really doing in my spare time...
Hope the pooch continues to get better :-)
Hi Debs, sorry to hear about Grumpy. I think that may be the problem with the Bloke from Stoke though. He's got back ache, bruised the back of his hand, can't see too well. Do you think a worming tablet would do the trick for him?
I hate doing the two line sentence thingy. In one of my how to books it says to do it in one sentence. Eek, how the hell can anyone do that.
Good luck x
ray-anne - yes, the ten word rule also got my mind working.
Unfortunately it's drizzling right now, but hope it cheers up later.
motherx - I hope your cats feel happier soon too. Thanks.
dj kirby - thanks for tagging me, I shall go and look now.
ray-anne's blog is full of useful advice and well worth visiting.
tam - I think there are a lot of us out there.
Thanks, I think he's perking up a bit now.
l-plate author - the Bloke from Stoke sounds as if he must be feeling rather grim poor thing. Hope he feels better soon.
It certainly focuses the mind to try and sum up a book in so few words.
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