I've just received my copy of Phillipa Ashley's latest book, Just Say Yes and can't wait to read it. Visit Phillipa's blog here to read all about her party to celebrate the launch of the book. I loved her previous books, Decent Exposure and Wish You Were Here and can heartily recommend them both.
Just Say Yes was in a box containing five or so other books and unfortunately, I was so busy watching something on tv that I didn't hear them being delivered. R did and came back into the room holding a box of goodies before him. "How many books do you need?" he asked looking rather perplexed. "I thought you weren't going to buy any more until you'd read some from those piles near the bedroom?" I did try and explain that I'm always reading and that those piles would probably never actually go down as every book I read is always replaced by another.
Took S to the dentist today. She has to have one tooth extracted next week and then train-tracks fitted on her lower teeth. I asked the dentist what she should expect. "We need to aneasthetise the area so she'll only need two injections in the gum. It'll only take half an hour."
"There you are," I said doing my best to look as confident as possible. "Nothing to worry about." She didn't look convinced.
Uh oh I hate it when my fella intercepts the book deliveries! Poor S, I had my last filling the other day and it's never as bad as the nervous anticipation that preceeds it!
Ooh! My other guilty secret is magazines... trying to sneak them in without Tom seeing. I know he wouldn't mind it's just I feel bad at the frivolous spending. No, no, wait a minute... it's research isn't it? So are the books!
Debs, thanks for dropping by and for your kind words - much appreciated.
tbr piles have to be added to. It's the law:-)
Poor S. Hope it goes ok next week for her.
Please don't let S see this because she'll be fine BUT my currently being ill is because of my teeth and subsequent treatment... Abscesses, badly infected roots, having to break and remove old bridgework, saw/drill through jaw, slice into gums, remove roots, drain infections - then stitches!!!! And it was all done by my future son-in-law so I don't know which one of us was more scared!!!! He was brilliant - it didn't hurt at all WHILE he was doing it but he did say it was major invasive surgery and I'd feel like death afterwards - and boy, was he right! Have eaten solids for the first time tonight and face has started to subside a bit... I've got Phillipa's book for my holiday reading (3 weeks tomorrow!) but may have to dip in earlier as it looks wonderful and is clearly just what I need to aid recovery...
Oh dear! Poor S. It's always easier to be brave on someone else's behalf, isn't it? I too have Just Say Yes right at the top of my tbr pile. Can't wait to get stuck in.
Hope you're having a good weekend.
I have a new development on the tbr front. My pile of books and magazines I need to read was gettng so out of hand that I've created a 'reading corner' in my front sitting room. The books are piled up on the edge of the hearth. They don't quite reach the ceiling yet but it's only a matter of time. I've also gathered all the magazines I haven't read, or haven't read properly. This will keep me going for years!
yvonne - thankfully S isn't too concerned about the injections it's the removing of the tooth that's bothering her. I can't wait for it to be over with.
chrish - excellent point, it's all research. I do feel guilty spending so much money on books but then there seem to be so many that I want to read.
lane - well if it isn't the law, it definately should be.
Thanks, I'm sure I'll be the wuss in the end and she will be fine. She's a brave little devil most of the time.
chris - ouch, ouch, ouch, I've gone all tingly, poor you. That sounds horrendously frightening, not to mention painful. Glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery now though. You sound like you definately need a holiday after having to suffer all of that. Dx
maddie moon - that's so true, mind you I'm usually very brave when it's me but hopeless if the children need to have anything done. I'll probably end up being more of a drip that S.
helenmh - I love the idea of your reading corner. I do wish that someone could stop the clock for a bit and let me catch up on all this reading matter. So many books, so little time to read the damn things.
Ds always moaning about falling over my books!! He thinks its unatural and would prefer it if I was into shoes...(I told him he'd never afford it!!) Hope S got on ok at dentist. she has my sympathy. btw, my blog has gone crazy, hasnt allowed me to publish anything or locked me out totally or hidden posts god knows where....but I am still around!!
Dentists - no bedside manner some of them. Why couldn't he explain that he can use some gel to numb the area before the injection? Make sure he does that Debs. I am now an expert on denistry after my six new crowns. I don't mean I'm in the Tudors, sadly.
motherx - I also tell R that financially it's a good thing that I'm addicted to books rather than shoes or handbags (have a few of those too). Sorry to hear you're having a lousy time being allowed into your blog that's so frustrating, hope it sorts itself out soon.
fiona - I've told her that he will numb the area first, I think it's the thought of them pulling it out that's worrying her.
Loving the Tudors, well Henry.
Have a nice weekend debs! The Tudors tonight!! YES!! xx
motherx - you too, I love friday nights. x
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