My brave little soldier is back home with me and sitting quietly having had her tooth extracted this morning. She wasn't at all nervous and thankfully enjoyed the song playing in the background, although I was too worried to hear it properly so can't tell you what it was. The only slight concern was when the nurse had to go and get bigger and then bigger plier things for the rather handsome dentist to pull the tooth out with.
S is now watching tv and waiting for the numbness to wear off. She was thrilled to be able to keep her tooth, and the lovely, bubbly nurse even put it in a little cushioned box and passed it to me. Personally, I wasn't that enamoured at being handed this great molar, but S is duly proud of her trophy and once everything has healed, she'll have her train tracks fitted.
I love your title HH&S and I'm so glad the Reader report was good.
Gold stars to your brave S.
I haven't read Katie's book yet, I'm just about to start Jill Mansell's 'An offer you Can't Refuse' and/or Annie Sanders 'Busy Woman Seeks Wife'. As I've co-written a couple of (unpublished) books, it's fascinating to read the Annie S books.
Hope Grumpy is fully recovered?
pat - thanks, I'm glad the feedback on the new title is so positive too.
I've read, 'An Offer You can't Refuse' and enjoyed it, but then I always enjoy Jill Mansell's books too. I've also bought, 'How to Survive Your Sisters' by Ellie Campbell, who is actually two sisters.
Grumpy is well and truly recovered now, thankfully, and being a bossy pain once more.
Glad S made it through like a brave trooper:-) I think it's rather nice to be given the tooth as a momento:-)
Congratulations to the brave soldier. Yes, the nasty plier things are a bit scary aren't they - I've been on the wrong end of those myself a couple of times!
I agree - it's great to have the next book lined up & waiting for that low feeling when you finish a good book.
Poor S - I remember my children going through the same... but my dentist wasn't good looking :(
lane - she was very good about the whole thing and is proud of her momento.
helenmh - I've only ever been unconscious when having teeth extracted so have never come across them before.
leigh russell - my dentists have always been much older than this one.
S did so much better than I would have done!! I am terrified of the dentist and still need someone to come and hold my hand (That probably explains why I've not been to the dentist in about 10 years!!)
C x
Poor S! It's so hard to be brave in the dentist's chair. Helps when he's handsome though!
carol - she was very brave as it couldn't have been very nice at all.
yvonne - I think it helped me more than her, she was very cool though and sat there with no worries at all.
Bless S - She must be incredibly brave - just reading the word pliers made me come out in goosebumps!
what a brave girl she is - I'm reduced to a crumbling wreck at the dentist! Must go and read the post about your NWS report now...
Well done to S, being so brave. :-)
I know what you mean about having another book lined up - I hate it when a book I'm loving is drawing to a close and I haven't another lined up.
kerry - she is a brave girl and although was slightly nervous didn't show it at all.
flowerpot - I'm not too fazed by the dentist but my sister and best friend have to be knocked out to have any work done as they hate it.
annie bright - she was so good.
I need to have one lined up and can't bear the thought if I don't, which to be honest is exceedingly rare.
Ooh - tried to post earlier but Blogger ate it. But I wanted to say THANK YOU for buying my book and I hope you like it - it's a tough one, following on from Katie Fforde, though!
I am exactly the same about needing to have my next book lined up, I find it very comforting! In fact, I love the whole process of choosing my next book to read and knowing it's ready for me. Is that a bit sad??!
And I am v impressed by your brave soldier, I am a whimpering fool at the dentist personally!
Hope you realise if that molar goes under her pillow - you're looking at remortgaging - you know what Scorpios are like!
lucy diamond - I'm looking forward to reading your book.
I also love the whole process of choosing the next book too. My husband doesn't understand it at all.
She was very brave and by the way she's continued to eat, she obviously hasn't suffered much by the loss of the tooth.
andrea - I must have been posting the last comment at the same time you were posting yours.
You know S too well. She did mention putting it under her pillow, but I've told her that she would be wasting her time.
Uh oh. Braces? Sorry S. Glad to hear you got through the extraction ok, though.
chad aaron sayban - she wasn't too worried about the braces as she only has to have them on the bottom teeth. She is relieved to have the extraction over with though.
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