Tuesday 19 May 2009

Shed of the Year 2009

The voting has started for Shed of the Year 2009. I didn't know about this competition until it was too late last year, but this year 'the shed' is included.

Please go here to vote for 'Grumpy's Palace' to give a miniature schnauzer (and me) a chance to get somewhere in this competition. He's never won anything before, and apart from a box of chocolates, oh yes, and a few trophies at horse shows many moons ago, I haven't won much either.

In fact I've just spotted a dog t-shirt here for Grumps, what do you think? No? Oh, okay then.


Anonymous said...

Duly voted :o)

Lane Mathias said...

Done Debs.
And Grumpy is looking particulary dashing in that photo:-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

captain black - many thanks. They asked me to upload photos months ago, but I couldn't figure out how.

lane - thank you, doesn't he look cute?

Jenny Beattie said...

I can't view the the t-shirt pic... is it just me?

Right, I'm off to vote though.

Marcie Steele said...

I've voted, anything for a fellow novel racer!

Good luck, Debs. And the t-shirt for Grumpy - a definite no...yes...maybe...naw x

Anna Scott Graham said...

got my vote in, and that shirt? well, does he like shirts?

good luck!!

Melissa Amateis said...

I voted! Hope you win!

claire p said...

Vote placed. I'm one of those who never even wins an argument as well. So fingers crossed.

Faye said...

Done! It's Grumpy's year!

Carol said...

I've voted too :-) and can I just say that I think your shed looks absolutely fantastic in that photo!!

Good luck

C x

DAB said...

Voted. Grumps for PM :) TFx

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

jj - it was probably me being useless with the link.

Thanks for the vote.

l-plate - thanks so much for voting. Don't worry, I shan't be buying the t-shirt for Grumps, he would only eat it, and I wouldn't blame him.

anna - no he does not, :)

Thanks so much for voting for us.

melissa - thank you. As they say, you have to be in it, to win it.

claire p - I gave up arguing several years ago, it never seemed to make any difference.

Thanks for voting.

faye - thank you, and thanks too for he comment on the shedblog. x

carol - thanks for voting, and for the compliment about the shed too.x

tf - lol, thanks for the vote. x

Kaye Manro said...

So cool! I will go and place my vote now. Good Luck to you and Grumpy!

Flowerpot said...

off to vote right now...

Unknown said...

I've voted. Good luck!

As for the t-shirt, why not? Now that he's a dog of sheds, maybe he needs that very shirt.

Denise said...

I've voted and I really hope you win, tis a lovely shed. It seems to be a competition that always gets a lot of radio interest as well, have heard the winners on BBc Radio 2 and 5 before.

HelenMWalters said...

Have voted, and I think definitely yes for the shirt. Do they do it in a cat size I wonder?

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Is Grumpy claiming expenses? He's one gentleman I'd be happy to see doing so.

CL Taylor said...

Voted. LOVE your shed!

Liane Spicer said...

Hee hee, I just voted, and it was super easy too! Love, love, love your shed!

DJ Kirkby said...

Nice pics, your shed has my vote.

Amanda said...

Your shed if FAB. I've voted x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

kaye - glad you like it, & thanks for the vote.

flowerpot - thanks m'dear.

shirley - thanks for your vote, and your comment too. Much appreciated.

denise - crikey, I didn't realize it was on the radio. Thanks for voting.

helen - thanks for your vote. They're probably a little too big, much to the cats' relief. :)

fia - thanks m'dear. I wish he could claim some sort of expenses.

calistro - thanks so much. I love it there too, and would happily spend more time in there if I could.

liane - it took me ages to figure out how to upload the photos, but then I am useless with these things. Thanks for voting.

dj - thanks very much for voting.

amanda - Glad you like it, although it's a mess in there. Thanks for voting.

Unknown said...


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

liz - brilliant, thank you.

Annieye said...

Will be done in a mo ...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

annie - thanks very much for your vote.

Tamsyn Murray said...

Done - love the chinese lantern thingies, btw!

Michelle said...

Have voted for Grumpy's Palace with pleasure.
He looks very dashing in his photo!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

tam - thanks very much for the vote and the comment on the shedblog.

I love those too, sweet aren't they?

michelle - thanks for the vote. Grumps always seems to be somewhere in a photo, whether he's meant to be or not.

Anonymous said...

good post...

Kat W said...

My vote is cast for your wonderful shed. The inside of your writing shed looks much nicer than mine - full of creativity. I am inspired to work harder on my decor.

Kat :-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

MelRox - thanks for your comment, and vote.

Kat - My shed is one hell of a mess inside (worse than when the picture was taken even), but I love the outside of yours, its so pretty.

Troy said...

I've just voted for your (Grumpy's) shed. There were some very smart sheds on display and also some rather, shall we say, sheddy sheds.
Sorry I haven't called here too often recently - SOOO busy with the election - so looking forward to 5th June, win or lose!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

troy - thanks so much for the vote, best of luck for the 5th June.

Chris Stovell said...

Phew! Finally, my broadband connection let me vote!

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant photo! I hope you recieved an award, how can anyone say no to Grumpy!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

chrish - thanks so much for voting. Glad you're broadband has been fixed.

motherx - thank you. I doubt we will get anywhere, but it was good fun entering.