Tomorrow, I have to meet S off the bus and race her straight to the dentist. Needless to say, she isn't thrilled. Friday, Grumps is having his booster. It should have been a month ago, but he was ill then and we were told to leave it until he was better. I hate taking him to the vet, but unfortunately R will be working.
On Saturday, my friend Andrea is popping over (from the UK) for the day. Rach, younger sis, is collecting her from the airport at the crack of dawn (well, 8am) and they're coming to my place for lunch. So excited, I can't wait. Though how we'll cope with all three of us talking at once until Andrea flies home later in the afternoon, I don't know.
I'm still editing, but, hey, what's new about that. I envisage a 101 year old, sitting at the laptop, and muttering, "I'll just edit this one more time, then send it off."
Love the color! You will have to take pictures of it when it's all finished. :)
Beooootiful colour. So summery. Yes, photos!
Hope S's dentist apt goes ok. And of course Grumpy's booster.
Can't wait to see the 'new look' shed!
That looks a very inspirational colour, I 'm sure you'll be even more productive when it's finished (and when you're not taking the family to various appointments!)
Seagrass is a very good colour - green being the colour of both life and growth. Put thy pen down and paint the other 'alf of the shed woman! Complete the works ;-) Signed, sealed and delivered.
Best wishes to both the dentist and the vet lover. Ouch! :) TFx
It's amazing what a lick of paint can do to cheer things up, eh?
Does Grumpy misbehave at the dentists? We had one dog that refused to 'do her business' until quivering in the reception of the vets when she'd do it all over the floor. Another dog lost the use of her legs and would have to be carried in... Yes, I'm not a huge fan of Vet trips either. Good luck.
all sorts of goings-on... enjoy your lunch, I love the colour and as for that editing...
oh, it truly never ends!!! :)))
Ooh, yes, that's a lovely colour! Can't wait to see the photos.
What fun to be seeing a friend where the main concern will be getting a word in edgewise. That's rare these days. Sometimes I worry that no longer have deep and meaningful conversations with my best friends. Am sure a lot of the fault is mine.
Good shed color for Deb's writer's retreat. Should look lovely nestled in among the spring and summer blooms.
'Popping over for the day' one does :) Enjoy. Wish it was me popping over for a visit(but then you'd never get me out of your shed).
Nice colour. We recently re-did out 100-year-old shed! Put a new roof on it and painted it black. It's full of things like an old lawn mower, mountain bikes from oh about 15 years ago, and lots of spiders....
That is a stunning colour....your shed is going to look just brilliant!!! I'm going to echo what everyone else has said 'Photo's please'
It's lovely catching up with friends and having a good old natter!! We're going up to Scotland this weekend (yes, again) for my cousin's baby's christening. I've not seen him for about three years and am really looking forward to catching up!!
I hope you have a fab time and that the dentist and vet trips are not too traumatic!!
C x
Good luck with vet and dentist - and enjoy every minute of your day with Andrea - ooh now I want to "pop over" for a day too... Can't wait til Sept! Shed colour is lovely - ours is Iris (bright blue) at the mo and I want it to be green - and that Seagrass is just perfect... And Debs, STOP EDITING and SEND IT!!!!!!
Seagrass is such a lovely name - I can almost hear the sea whispering n the distance..
It's a lovely colour. Our shed is painted like a beach hut.
Hope Grumpy gets on ok, poor love.
And hurry up with that editing, we want to read it.
Nice paint color! The shed will love you for it. And LOL on the edits-- sounds like me...
melissa - will definately take some photos.
lane - dentist went well, dreading the vet visit though.
helen - R finished the other side of the shed, so it only needs another coat now.
chrish - inspiriational, I certainly hope so.
tf - I think it's going to look much better than before. Hope so because it's too darn late now anyway.
jj - oh your poor dogs hating the vet that much. Poor you too, it's hard enough when they aren't that petrified. Grumps just shakes, then wees a lot!
anna - thanks, I'm liking the colour too.
Can't wait for the lunch.
liane - photos will come soon, once second coat on the shed.
faye - it would have looked even better if R hadn't kidnapped all my gorgeous poppies to make room for his veggies.
dj - you're more than welcome to pop over any time.
a modern mother - 100 year old shed, I love the thought of that.
Spiders is the one thing I can't bear about sheds, mind you I have a great spray that kills everything, almost.
carol - thanks, I like the colour a lot.
Have a great time at the christening, and Happy Anniversary too.
chris - (giggle) I shall send it soon promise!
I can't wait to see you again, I wish you would pop over soon. x
flowerpot - you make it sound even lovlier.
claire p - I wanted my shed painted like a beach hut a couple of years ago, but R said I had to wait until it needed repainting, then I forgot, and chose this instead. I love the idea of a beach hut.
Debs... about that editing.... my laptop died last night and everything ground to a slow halt today... sigh...
Love the colour, Debs! x
anna - Nooooooooooooo, what a complete and utter nightmare! Which reminds me, I must back up my work today.
amanda - thanks.x
Send it off - NOW! Fx
Poor S being " raced" to the dentist...!
Enjoyed calling in again!
Found you on Christina's blog and came over to say hello! You have the same favourite authors as me, by the look of it! You've just reminded me I promised The Husband I'd paint his new shed, as he's been so busy building it and gardening while I sit here enjoying myself (writing!). Better go & buy the paint ....
I love that colour, but Grumpy looks less than impressed! Maybe he's thinking about that trip to the vets?
Super colour!
Have the best day today!
fionnuala - I will do soon, promise
jan - thanks for popping by. S was okay, thankfully she isn't too bothered by the dentist (most of the time).
olivia - thank you for your comment. I've ordered a couple of your books, as if Chris has recommended them, then I know I'll love them.
Enjoy your painting. I really could help R with mine, but have been keeping my head down editing (again!).
karen - he hated his visit to the vets. Such a drama queen.
casdok - it's rather cheerful, isn't it?
Thanks, it should be fun.
Thanks for ordering the books - hope you enjoy them! x
sounds like you're *so* close to being done. hope you get to enjoy a long bubblebath after today's edits! :)
revisionista - here's hoping you're right.
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