I shall be leaving R with three noisy teenagers and an extremely grumpy dog. Even more grumpier than usual as he's being clipped today, and is always in a foul mood for days after.
R has a couple of weeks off and it's even his birthday whilst I'm away. So Happy Birthday R (x).
I'm excited, but also nervous and feel sure that I'll definately return knowing far more than I do now. So, have a great week, and I'll catch up with everyone when I get back.
Have fun! I look forward to hearing about your adventures.
Debs - Just got back from Canada - I read about your shed in the Times - 40,000 feet over the Arctic! I shrieked: "It's Debs shed, It's won!" It's a wonder I wasn't jettisoned...
have a wonderful writers holiday and huge congrats
P xxx
oh I am envious - lok forward to hearing all about it!
Have a lovely time, you lucky thing!
Have fun, soooo jealous! And don't go drink for drink with Kevin!
Have fun and learn loads! Look forward to hearing all about it...
Have a lovely time!!!
Oooh I think that's the same holiday Kev (Captain Black) is going on! Have a lovely time. I hope it's really useful.
Lucky, lucky you! Have a great time and please thank Capt Black, if you meet him, for the computer tips!
Have a wonderful, productive time, Debs!
Lots of pics please Debs and have a wonderful time.
I'm sure Grumpy will forgive you.
Have a safe trip and a great time!
queenie - thanks, I shall post all about my week.
phillipa - just visited your blog, SO love 'Will', am so excited for you too, and hope we get to see the film.
flowerpot - I shall post all about it. Can't wait.
liane - thanks m'dear, I'm sure I will.
denise - I'll take your advice, but it will be fun to meet him finally.
lwm - I'm sure it'll be so useful.
claire - thanks.
calistro - it is, and I'm looking forward to meeting one of the other NRs too.
chris - I can't wait to go, and I'll thank Cpt Black on both our bahalf.
melissa - thanks so much, will do.
fia - have camera, must remember to use it.
Grumps is happy, as the parlour lady forgot to write down his appt and now R has to take him next friday instead.
chad - thanks, will do.
have a good time Debs, safte journey x
have a lovely time... :)))
Have a wonderful time hon...I look forward to hearing all about it when you get back!!
C x
Ps. Don't be nervous...you will be absolutely fine :-)
l-plate -thanks very much.
liz - will do.
anna - thanks, will do.
carol - thanks. So nervous. Will be glad to get there and get started.
Ooooh, so jealous. Have a fab time.
Have a ball m'dear :) TFx
Have a great time, Debs.
Happy Birthday to 'R'.
Hope you have a FAB time, Debs x
Hope you have a completly amazing time and come back with enough inspiration to last you a whole year.
Quickly popping by before rushing off to Katie Fforde's talk in 10 mins.
Having a busy, exhausting, but fabulous time.
What a grand week you must be having,Debs. Hope there's blog fodder in this week for all of us stay at homes. Can't wait for the reports.
faye - Have had a ball and will start blogging soon, once my brain has caught up with the rest of me.
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