Friday 24 July 2009

Off to the Writers' Holiday

I'm off to the Writers' Holiday in Caerleon, and I can't wait.

I shall be leaving R with three noisy teenagers and an extremely grumpy dog. Even more grumpier than usual as he's being clipped today, and is always in a foul mood for days after.

R has a couple of weeks off and it's even his birthday whilst I'm away. So Happy Birthday R (x).

I'm excited, but also nervous and feel sure that I'll definately return knowing far more than I do now. So, have a great week, and I'll catch up with everyone when I get back.


Queenie said...

Have fun! I look forward to hearing about your adventures.

Phillipa said...

Debs - Just got back from Canada - I read about your shed in the Times - 40,000 feet over the Arctic! I shrieked: "It's Debs shed, It's won!" It's a wonder I wasn't jettisoned...

have a wonderful writers holiday and huge congrats

P xxx

Flowerpot said...

oh I am envious - lok forward to hearing all about it!

Liane Spicer said...

Have a lovely time, you lucky thing!

Denise said...

Have fun, soooo jealous! And don't go drink for drink with Kevin!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Have fun and learn loads! Look forward to hearing all about it...

claire p said...

Have a lovely time!!!

CL Taylor said...

Oooh I think that's the same holiday Kev (Captain Black) is going on! Have a lovely time. I hope it's really useful.

Chris Stovell said...

Lucky, lucky you! Have a great time and please thank Capt Black, if you meet him, for the computer tips!

Melissa Amateis said...

Have a wonderful, productive time, Debs!

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Lots of pics please Debs and have a wonderful time.

I'm sure Grumpy will forgive you.

Unknown said...

Have a safe trip and a great time!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

queenie - thanks, I shall post all about my week.

phillipa - just visited your blog, SO love 'Will', am so excited for you too, and hope we get to see the film.

flowerpot - I shall post all about it. Can't wait.

liane - thanks m'dear, I'm sure I will.

denise - I'll take your advice, but it will be fun to meet him finally.

lwm - I'm sure it'll be so useful.

claire - thanks.

calistro - it is, and I'm looking forward to meeting one of the other NRs too.

chris - I can't wait to go, and I'll thank Cpt Black on both our bahalf.

melissa - thanks so much, will do.

fia - have camera, must remember to use it.

Grumps is happy, as the parlour lady forgot to write down his appt and now R has to take him next friday instead.

chad - thanks, will do.

Marcie Steele said...

have a good time Debs, safte journey x

Unknown said...


Anna Scott Graham said...

have a lovely time... :)))

Carol said...

Have a wonderful time hon...I look forward to hearing all about it when you get back!!

C x

Ps. Don't be will be absolutely fine :-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

l-plate -thanks very much.

liz - will do.

anna - thanks, will do.

carol - thanks. So nervous. Will be glad to get there and get started.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Ooooh, so jealous. Have a fab time.

DAB said...

Have a ball m'dear :) TFx

Pat Posner said...

Have a great time, Debs.

Happy Birthday to 'R'.

Amanda said...

Hope you have a FAB time, Debs x

DJ Kirkby said...

Hope you have a completly amazing time and come back with enough inspiration to last you a whole year.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Quickly popping by before rushing off to Katie Fforde's talk in 10 mins.

Having a busy, exhausting, but fabulous time.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Faye said...

What a grand week you must be having,Debs. Hope there's blog fodder in this week for all of us stay at homes. Can't wait for the reports.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

faye - Have had a ball and will start blogging soon, once my brain has caught up with the rest of me.