Today my son flies out with his girlfriend and together they'll be going back to England where he'll be staying with her family until starting his second year at university. I'm not feeling as cheerful as I look (maybe I'm kidding myself here, I do hope not) and will be taking them to the airport later, after we've been out for a late lunch together.
He's delighted to be going back and can't wait to move into the house he's sharing with four other friends. This year is so much easier than last year in that I know he's having a great time (as well as studying occasionally) and his girlfriend, whose been staying here for the past two weeks, is lovely. Having had him back home again for the summer it's going to take a little getting used to when he leaves again.
However, the positives are that I'm nearly at 30,000 words on a new book - loving it and have a mad crush on my hero - so I'll have more than enough to keep me busy. My daughter isn't at all fazed that her brother is off again, quite thrilled in fact. The dog is on steroids as he has sensitive skin - on his feet, so he's feeling sorry for himself, and the madness of this house will carry on, just with one less, fairly noisy, person in it. *Sighs*
Right, time to put on (another) wash and see if he's forgotten to pack anything.
So hard to say goodbye to those wayward children! Great picture, btw...
Also great word count!! Tell Grumpy I hope he's feeling better oh so soon!
Congrats on the word count!
You'll really miss him, I'm sure. At least you have your novel to keep you distracted.
Thank goodness you have fallen in love with your hero. A poor substitute I know because you will miss him. I hate goodbyes, so thinking of you....xx
Great word count! Letting children go can be so hard. I remember when my son went off to college. Hugs to you as you send your son off.
Sounds like your son’s doing well. I’m pleased for him.
And you’ll be OK.
Hope the dog’s soon feeling better.
All the best, Boonie
Hugs on your son going back to uni - they grow up too fast.
Well done on the word count, that's great going.
Glad you have your new hero to ease the pain of son going back to uni.
Great word count. Well done!
Poor Grumps. Hope he's soon feeling better.
Hi Debs
It's so hard to let go of them, isn't it? I'm lucky that one of mine still lives at home and the other two live within 5 minutes' drive of me.
Your hero sounds very exciting. I usually end up arguing with my characters.
Hope Grumpy's feet get better soon.
Hope J has a brilliant year and Im sure he will. He is such a credit to you! Hope my boy ends up with some of what he has!!! Lots of hugs xxx
Brilliant news on the word count. Glad that your son is doing well and is happy - but it is a wrench when then go again.
I love that view. You live in such a beautiful place.
Hugs to Grumps and his poor feet. And to you too. x
Great photo. Keep up the good word count m'dear :)
((debs)) I know how you feel. P x
Great Photo! Good Luck to your son, :-) I hope that your dog feels better soon!
Hugs, Bethxx
Thanks for your lovely comments. I hate it when J returns to uni, but at least this year it's his second year and I know he's loving it, which is so much easier than last year when we had no idea what it would all be like.
Back to work tomorrow (Tues). I'm not looking forward to the alarm clock going off at 6.30 once more.
Thanks for your lovely comments. I hate it when J returns to uni, but at least this year it's his second year and I know he's loving it, which is so much easier than last year when we had no idea what it would all be like.
Back to work tomorrow (Tues). I'm not looking forward to the alarm clock going off at 6.30 once more.
Great news on the word count!
I hope your son has a safe journey and enjoys the year ahead!
a crush on your hero! that is *definitely* the way to go.
and such melancholy words, "the end of summer"...
Poor Grumps. Hope his feet improve soon.
Awwwwww :( but well done with the writing! I am envious. Poor old Grmpy and his delicate feet, can't imagine how horrid they must feel.
He'll be back in next to no time with a huge pile of washing for you to do!
Congratulations on the word count..your going great guns :-)
Poor wee Grumpy...what a painful place to have sensitive skin!
C x
Oh I do feel for you Debs. But he'll b eback soon. Meanwhile sorry about poor Grumps - Molls was very itchy last year and they discovered she's allergic to fleas. I've been v strict about stronghold and this year she's been fine - good luck. And well done on the word count! x
But it's not the end of Summer, it's the start of Autumn and your MC has your adoration and... and... sunsets will be earlier at St Ouens and... erm... your children sound very content with their lives. Your world is a happy one. Smile!
Aw Debs, I know how you feel, it's so hard to let go, even when you know that they're happy!
Well done on the 30000 words, it's great when you're really enjoying it isn't it?
What a great nostalgic time of the year when you give up the summer routines for fall. It will probably feel a bit strange to not have the house full of young people, but Grumpy will fill your time being a primadonald with his itchy paws! Am thinking your beach will be lovely for fall walks as well.
Glad the writing is going well and how much easier when you have a crush on your main character! Speaking of "crushes" when does the new season of Spooks with our lovely RA begin for you?
Lovely pic. Glad all is going so well.
talli - he is now happily settled and hasn't looked back, which is good. I'm glad he loves it there.
laurie - I know, can you tell I was miserable when I wrote this post ;-)
helen - he had his last pill today, I'm hoping they've worked.
dj - I know, poor little chap has been feeling very sorry for himself.
carol - no doubt I'll be moaning in December at all the extra washing.
flowerpot - poor Molls, it's horrible when they have something wrong.
SpiralSkies - you're so right! Thanks.
penandpaints - it certainly is. I'm loving the story.
faye - I'm not quite sure when Spooks is back on again, I hope it's around November time.
susie - thank you.
Funny, I was having a similar conversation with my daughter the other day. She left home five years ago, all grown up and properly gone from the home of her childhood. Whenever she comes to see me I miss her terribly when she leaves for about half an hour, and then she's gone from my immediate thoughts again as though she hadn't returned. And before long I'm back in my writing world again!
leigh - I must admit it's getting a little easier each time he leaves, although that could be because I know he's enjoying himself so much. I'm glad I have my writing to get lost in though.
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