This morning got off to a dramatic start. A driver under the illusion that he's Jensen Button decided to overtake three cars at once, then as he flew by me in a blur, the van in front started to pull out, just noticing the speeding fiend in time to pull in and let him pass. Just as JB wannabe passed the third car I noticed another car coming the opposite way. How he didn't collide with anyone is beyond me.
Sitting at my desk at lunchtime, I decided to have a quiet look at a few blogs on my blogroll. I started with Christina Jones's Bucolic Frolics where she posts about the local Am Dram Society putting on Rebecca in the scout hut. You have to read this, because I can't explain it well enough to do it justice. I began to laugh and just when I was almost hysterical trying to hold back my amusement, if not my tears of laughter, my Manager thankfully made a joke giving me a reason to laugh out loud. I'm sure he and the rest of the team think I'm a little odd - probably always have done so - as his joke wasn't funny enough to induce such amusement.
So! Note to self: If you don't want to get caught out reading blog posts whilst at work, do not read Christina Jones's blog posts. Save them until you can laugh out loud.

I heard that night was a great time! Maybe there'll do one in Jersey?
I wasn't able to to the Choc Lit night, either - but I can read Christina's blog. Thanks for the link.
Off to read the funny blog. Finally having time to catch up with my blog reading. Mind you have signed up for my first NaNoWriMo, look for Scrubby, so soon fingers being worn to the bone. I see you were in 2009 are you joining 2010?
Or even I wasn't able to GO... Sorry.
Just read Christina's story - brilliant. Am trying to laugh quietly so I don't disturb my daughter because she's back at school tomorrow.
I have to try and work out the optimal place to live in the UK that would let me go to more events! I would have loved to have gone to the Choc Lit night, as well.
Your morning commute sounds dangerous, which makes me appreciate my own (a wander across the landing) more.
Hi Debs,
Jeez - don't you just love those racing boys on the road? We nearly had a head on collision on the way to BSE when one such idiot decided to overtake on a narrow mountain pass and the only way to go was into us! I don't know quite how we're still here. Anyway, made it to the BSE gig which was huge fun - now I must read Christina's blog!
Debs - thanks so much for the mention of Rebecca in the Scout Hut. I'm glad it made you laugh - and so thankful that your manager now thinks he's even funnier than anyone currently on the comedy circuit - he's probably considering a career change as we speak. Eeeked over your encounter with the JB racer - knowing Jersey's roads that could so easily have been carnage... Thank you again. Cx
Deb - thanks for the Rebecca link. Just when you think Christina is writing fiction in her novels, you realise it's all absolutely real!
And so glad you are okay after your close encounter with the evil driver.
Serious stuff, the nearly-car-crash! Glad nothing worse happened.
Great post, Debs - thanks for the mention of the Choc Lit event. Maybe see you again this summer.
talli - wouldn' that be wonderful?
suzanne - I'm sure it'll amuse you as much as it did me.
cheryl - I'll go and add you as a NaNo friend. Thanks.
kath - I'm just picturing how wonderful it must be to have such a short commute to work.
chris - glad the other night went so well, I hope I'll be able to attend the next one.
Wow, your near miss sounds really frightening. What is wrong with these idiots?
chris - it was hilarious. He's usually a funny chap anyway, which is a relief, so he's used to me laughing to his jokes, but I think I went a little overboard this time.x
phillipa - brilliant, isn't it?
sue - my pleasure. I've enjoyed all the Choc Lit books. I do hope I manage to attend the next Girls Night In.x
This is awful, but I often wonder if drivers such as that one will wind up meeting their end in a manner befitting their errant vehicular patterns. Without harming anyone else, of course...
I have to be careful reading certain blogs in the morning while drinking my tea, or face losing it all over my keyboard. :)))
Bury St. Edmunds is a lovely place; we visited that area while in the UK and I loved the landscape, so different from Yorkshire...
Lovely photo!
It never fails to amaze me how idiotic some drivers are, thank goodness no one was hurt.
Christina's posts always make me laugh too, but luckily I'm usually at home :o)
Christina's post is very funny - thanks for the link.
I'm glad you're recovered from the hideous behaviour of that driver!
Christina's blog sounds a real tonic - love the idea of you sitting there snorting at your desk!
anna - I've never been to BSE and really must make sure I visit there at some point.
jennie - she's so funny, I love reading Chris's posts/books.
flowerpot - it was a close run thing and I almost got caught out.
Often wondered how it would be to keep up with blogging and Facebook while still in the workplace. Take more discipline than I have to not be checking throughout the day--on the company dime. I retired before getting hooked on the two. :-) Figure out how to stifle laughter, for sure! Sounds like you live in a best of both worlds place, Debs.
Gosh, that does sound like a scary driving experience. Glad nothing worse happened.
I'm sure my coworkers think I'm crazy, too. I laugh out loud far too often in this cubicle environment! (but it's the only way I stay sane!).
Debs great you are doing NaNo will appreciate you as a buddy. What's your nano name?
faye - I'm going to have to wait to read Christina's when I'm at home from now on!
melissa - I'm sure my lot think I'm barking, and I can't really blame them.
cheryl - I've left a comment on your site and have added you as a buddy. Good luck.
ooh I've seen idiot drivers like that. My husband's friend was a passenger in a car with an idiot driver, sadly they had a nasty collision in which idiot driver died but hubby's friend survived with only a few bruises. Glad you had something to lighten your mood after that with Christina's blog. :O)
Yikes. Glad the JB wannabe didn't cause any permanent damage.
Glad Christina's blog raised a laugh. Doesn't she always? :)
I know what you mean; I love living in Cornwall but sometimes dream of my own jet transport for quick travel to book launches, festivals etc. I always fancied myself as a jet plane pilot. Lol. And flying would avoid idiot drivers like you had to put up with. Like I said on FB, I'm very glad you are ok.
Hugs, Kat X
madeleine - thank heavens your husband's friend came out of the crash with only a few bruises, all to often it's the other way around.
shirley - she's very funny.
kat - love the idea of having my own jet. Wouldn't that be perfect? x
Debs, glad you are OK. Thanks for being such a great blogger and commenter.
susie - many thanks.
All these Nano people - wish I could join in, it sounds like fun but I'm too busy with edits for my next book right now.
Clever you, I expect you even got points with your boss for laughing at his joke!
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