I have to tell you seven things about me that you don't already know, so I'll try to think of something... um, here goes:
1. I can't bear not to have nail varnish on my toes, usually red or pink
2. I used to do aerobics four times a week and run the other three days, but now you're lucky if you can get me to leave the shed and walk as far as the kitchen to the kettle.
3. I love to sing, but I'm tone deaf - or so my children tell me.
4. My favourite films are pretty much anything by David Lean.
5. My parents sent me to have my ears tested when I was small because they thought I may be a little deaf - noisy child - the specialist told them to listen to me occasionally and maybe I wouldn't be quite so noisy.
6. My first wedding was a major production, with a huge meringue - dress, that is, not the cake - and people flying from various countries to attend. My second wedding was at the Registry Office with a lovely summer dress, with the children and a party at home afterwards - much more fun too.
7. I wanted to be an actress when I was younger. Not sure what happened there, but the only audience I have now is The Grumpy One.
I'd like to pass this award on to anyone of you who would like it, but please let me know if you do take it, so that I can make sure I don't miss your own list of seven things.
I love those Christina Jones Kindle covers. Thanks for posting.
Enjoyed hearing those facts about you too. It's odd, we email so much but I didn't know any of that!
LOL! I love the doctor's advice! My first wedding was in Vegas - just hubby and me. My second wedding (to the same man, no less!) was in a church with me and hubby, my pastor, our daughter, and two witnesses. Sometimes I really wish I had had the huge church wedding, but unfortunately could never afford it!
Congratulations on the award - terrific list.
And thank you for the links.
Hi Debs,
I've been in deep writing mode, but hope to catch up with all your news very soon. Cx
Love the list, Debs - especially that clever doctor!
kirsty - It's hard to think what to write, so these strange little snippets are rather random.
melissa - how romantic that you married the same man twice. I much preferred my second wedding, it was far more enjoyable.
suzanne - many thanks.
chris - great news, I can't wait to read your next book.
rosemary - thanks. I know wasn't that doctor clever?
Great list Debs - I had no idea... although I'd have guessed about the 2nd wedding of course! Thank you so much for mentioning the Kindle short story anthologies - very much appreciated. I'm such a Luddite that I didn't even know my other Proper Books were available on Kindle until someone told me yesterday! Cxxx
You should have been an actress; with your looks you would have made it big.
Well done on your award. And Happy International Chick Lit Month!
CJ xx
Congrats Deb, on being so generously awarded. It was lovely to learn more about you. Hmm, the exercise is a worry. I hope it's a long way to the kettle, ha ha. You could always set up a little fire outside.
Join the Romantic Friday Writers group. First challenge - Dire Moment.
Loved the list, Debs.
I've never wanted a Kindle but now Chris has 2 anthologies...
Thanks for the links Debs. I LOVE that story about the specialist telling your parents to listen to you sometimes!
Looks like there are lots of exciting things going on. Thanks for the links.
This is the first time I've looked in - I saw a comment of yours on a blog and now I've forgotten which blog it was! But I have noticed that you have mentioned (I think, if my memory serves me correctly) at least one former Hale writer, perhaps a former Transita writer, a couple of Choc-Lit writers and so forth, not to mention the RNA (I have several friends who are members), so feel immediately at home paying a visit to your blog! And I love your Plotting Shed! My husband has recently built me a posh shed (aka summerhouse) but because of the space avaialble it's not really large enough to work in, so it's just my quiet/thinking/reading space, and a joy it is, too.
Margaret P
christina - I love that you didn't know your other books were on Kindle until now.x
chrystal jigsaw - what a lovely thing to say, thank you.
denise - it's a little way, but not too far, thankfully!
pat - I took mine on holiday and it was fantastic. I'm so thrilled I bought one now.
jenny - I was pleased he told them too, although I don't remember anyone taking much notice :)
helen - my pleasure.
margaret - glad you liked the post and thank you for saying so.
I love the sound of your summerhouse and I don't think it matters what size they are as long as we have somewhere to go and enjoy thinking etc.
I’m with you on Nos 3 and 6, and a million miles away on 1 and 7. Thanks for this fun and informative post.
All the best, Boonie
Aw! To number 5! Sorry to have been away for so long, debs. I'm looking forwards to catching up both here and at Novelicious.
boonie - lol, glad you enjoyed it.
chris - glad to have you back again.
Lovely award :o)
I like singing too, but Molly's the only one who appreciates it!
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