It was a glorious day and there were a few families settled for the day with children digging moats and playing with dogs whilst others boogie boarded in the sea. Then it was home to help with some gardening. My sort of helping is to cut back all the hydrangeas (quite a few) and pull up weeds and dead things whilst a very huffy teenage daughter follows behind picking up all my cuttings etc. At least it was warm enough to eat lunch outside and I then much to everyone's relief and left them to do homework (dd) and clear up after me (dh) and retired to my shed.
Later on, determined to get an early night, I went to bed to watch Larkrise to Candleford (still loving it) and the Baftas. I love a good awards ceremony and although this one was rather spectacular and the awards spread evenly around (according to the chap on Sky), I did find it a little boring although I was thrilled to see Marion Cotillard winning Best Actress for her part in La Vie en Rose. I thought I'd seen her somewhere before then it dawned on me that she had been in, A Good Year with Russell Crowe and I'd only watched that the night before.
I was just dozing off when I glanced at the Pukkapad on my bedside table and saw my notes for the script that I was supposed to be writing and so spent the next hour brainstorming and plotting until I was reasonably happy with the bare bones of what I'd come up with. Poor dh crept in at midnight having just finished work and said, "Why are you still awake?" I rarely go to sleep before 1am, so I don't know why he bothered to ask this, but the poor soul hates it when he comes home, tired and wanting to sleep and I'm still wide awake as I usually start talking. Needless to say, I did ask him what he thought of my plot and he assured me it was great but whether that was because he was desperate for me to shut up and let him sleep or because he actually did like it, I'm not quite sure.
The best ideas come just as you're dozing off don't they? Good job you had a handy Pukka Pad and a dh to hand:-)
I'm loving Lark Rise to Candleford as well. Didn't think I would because I tried to read the book ages ago and didn't get on with it. Should probably give it another go.
lane - they most certainly do. Poor dh is so good about listening to me even when he has to struggle to keep his eyes open.
I thought the Baftas were boring and then halfway through I remembered that I thought exactly the same last year! Shall now save myself for the Oscars
Your poor husband. I feel for him. When I get home and just want to crash, or to get online and do some work, that's when my mom decides that after sitting at home all day alone - it's time to chat.
I shouldn't mind. But I do.
You're not in the Channel Islands now, are you? I never imagined that the weather would be so mild there at this time of year.
Oh good - someone else who has seen 'A Good Year'! I am so envious that you have the sea to enjoy at this time of year when it is quiet and lovely. Sounds like a splendid day.
You're so lucky to have the beach close by.
I've not got much of a garden to speak of at the moment. It's more like a builders' yard as we've just built an extension. I can't wait to start designing it and getting some plants in.
Isn't it strange how you get brilliant ideas, either when you're just dozing off or just waking up. The other night I had a brilliant idea in the middle of the night but couldn't remember it in the morning!
helenmh - I've been meaning to read the book and also want to have a go at Cranford as I thoroughly enjoyed that too.
andrea - I love the Oscars as you know and am thrilled that the writer's strike has been sorted out and it can now go ahead. Shame it always seems to be on a Sunday night. I shall be even worse than I usually am on that monday.
wordtryst - I know, he really is a great chap and puts up with a lot, bless him.
I do live in the Channel Islands and on Sunday the weather was especially warm. It's not usually that good in Feb and today it's glorious but with a definate chill in the air, which is more usual for this time of year.
ray-anne - I do love the sea and even though we live a good 10 mins walk from one beach and 5 min drive from another, at times in the evening whilst sitting in the garden you can actually hear the waves. I didn't know what it was the first time I heard it.
annieye - how lovely having a new extension to decorate. We've done a lot to our house and I loved choosing colours and fabrics etc.
I recently had a brilliant (or so I thought) idea just as I was dozing off and couldnt be bothered to write it down. I had no idea the next morning what it was but knew that I had thought of a great plot and was so cross with myself.
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