Also, I've just read my latest review from You Write On and it made depressing reading to say the least. I have to be honest though and say that my reviewer wasn't wrong and I can see what he is saying, the problem is that when you've re-written something so many times what you really want reviewers to say is that they love it. Knickers!
One half of me wants to grab everything I've ever written and make a lovely warming bonfire, burn the lot and never write another word. Unfortunately, the other part of me knows that I'm only having a tantrum and that it was easier to give up smoking than it would be to stop writing and so I shall just have to take on board all that he has said, rethink what I've written and improve it.
Am really impressed with your attitude! It's never easy to hear those kind of reviews...but you're being really grown up about it. (I'd be pulling a tantrum right now!) Fair play!
Are you SURE that this review is spot on Debs? I'd take a few days to think about it. Let's just say that I was once advised by someone to consign an ms to the bottom drawer. Knickers to them, I said, and you now know what happened.
yvonne - thank you, much appreciated. I've been working on my mind maps and they are helping to put a few things in place.
I think it would be a whole lot worse if you couldn't see what the reviewer was saying, it's one of those pick yourself up moments - possibly with some Midget Gems.
As for the bonfire not a good idea unless of course you want the fire service turning up at 3.00am (again!)
Oh, oh, don't take it to heart, Debs,it's just one opinion and definitely step away from the bonfire now! Have a good tant and kick your toys around then get back to the shed. You WILL get there! (Gawd! As soon as I polished FTT I will have to send it off so I know how you feel - just so vulnerable when you put your stuff out there) Good luck.
phillipa - I can't believe someone said that about one of your ms and being a reader of your excellent novels I'm certainly relieved that you didn't take any notice.
Thanks for the advice, I shall leave it for a day or so as you suggest.
andrea - Midget Gems have been bought (2 packets) and I intend to indulge.
I can still see that image of them striding down my driveway but despite that I shall refrain from the bonfire idea, for now.
chrish - thanks, I shall gather myself and then press on. Best of luck with FTT.
Many hugs. But congratulations for making the right decision. You will keep on writing and you will get there - you will! I have spectacular tantrums by the way! Sometimes they help ...
helenmh - thanks. I think it probably doesn't help that I feel so sore at the moment with this damn bout of shingles.
Well I hope you are feeling better soon debs. Im sorry about your review, I understand how you feel as I always say "Right! thats it! Im not writing one more thing!" But somehow in a few days I always seem to give it one more try!! while thinking "Why am I torturing myself?" Im so used to things being sent back now, I have to remind myself to open the dreaded brown envelope, as I just look at it and think "Here we go...youre crap!"...
motherx - thanks. I feel exactly the same way as you and sometimes wonder who I'm trying to kid by thinking I can write at all, but like you I pick myself up and carry on once more.
Why do we do it to ourselves? I just found out today that
1. The average advance for a first book is £2,000 (if anything at all)
2. The average number of sales for a published book, overall is 18 (yes - eighteen!)
3. Only one in a hundred submitted manuscripts gets published.
4. The majority of writers earn less than £5,000 a year and have a second job.
We do it because we can't not do it. We just have to write. You've kindly left a comment on my blog after I posted my reaction to my appraisal on Twisted Garlands.
Keep going, Debs. We're all right there behind you and we're all in the same boat - until we get published that is. I'm sure that, one by one, we will.
annieye - I know it makes dismal reading doesn't it but you're so right when you say that we carry on writing because we can't not do it. I can't wait for one of us to be published, it will be so exciting for the rest of us.
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