Saturday 5 September 2009

Brighton Rock & Jersey Live

I had planned to continue with the never-ending editing, but had such a headache that I decided to sit and chill in front of the tv and watch Brighton Rock. I love the book and the film, althought the endings are slightly different. The one in the book made me think, and the one in the film was a great twist.

Still have to do a few bits for J to prepare for uni, but flights are booked, so that's the main thing for R & self. S is back at school and now she's in Year 10 seems to have so much more homework. Thankfully, she just gets on with it - moaning about it, of course, she's my daughter after all -

It's Jersey Live Festival of Music here this weekend. The organizers are excellent, and they were so good that a couple of years ago, the vicar of Trinity (no, I said Trinity, not Dibley) asked them to stop the music for an hour (or so) whilst he conducted a wedding, and they did. How good is that? The last music festival I went to was Reading, many moons ago (in 1980) when Iron Maiden, Whitesnake, and Def Leppard played. I had a ball, though can't think it would be my sort of thing now, not unless I had en-suite facilities.


Anna Scott Graham said...

It's so nice to have them back in school, even the ones no longer here. Good luck with this time of changes!! :)))

Jenny Beattie said...

Oh Debs, I'm so with you on the festivals: only with an en suite...

Colette McCormick said...

Yes where did that summer go? Good luck with the editing. Does it ever end?

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

anna - it's good to get some routine back into the days.

Thanks, I am finding it all a little strange.

jj - I do like my comforts now.

colette - I've no idea, I'm still waiting for it to arrive.

Thanks. My editing never seems to be finished.

Casdok said...

My days of festivals are over too, apart from the one i went to yesterday!

HelenMWalters said...

I agree about the need for en suite before I'll go anywhere.

Tamsyn Murray said...

Hope you're feeling better now x

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

It's always good to take a break when the editing gets too much.

Queenie said...

Just back from Moseley folk festival, and while it was odd going to a festival in a city, I did like going back to my friend's nice warm house with bathrooms and comfy beds!

Carol said...

I bet your not too old...I bet you would still have a ball!!! (Just remember your clothes peg and sanitary hand wash!!).

C x

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I have never been to a festival!! Last thing I went to was The Kids from fame when I was about 14!!
I'm really glad you are feeling better. xxx

claire p said...

I've never been to a music festival, gigs yes, but not the full on festival. Think I might have to give one a try before I get too old!!!

Troy said...

You're never too old to Rock & Roll! (but best to leave the air guitar at home).

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

casdok - it sounded like fun too.

helen - lol.

tam - much better thanks.

suzanne - I did more yesterday, but needed a few days out.

queenie - creature comforts, I can't do without them.

carol - definitely the sanitary hand wash, giggle.

motherx - I would have loved the kids from fame gig too.

claire - you'd probably have a great time.

troy - that's a good point.

Faye said...

Who would tempt you now to rough it for a music festival, Debs? The last one for me was Neil Diamond MANY years ago--a friend and I actually slept out on the street in a ticket line to go. We knew he'd sing Kentucky Woman. :-) We have many fall outdoor art festivals but not music.

Thanks for the heads up for Brighton Rock--new for me. Will check Netflix and Amazon.

DAB said...

What a sweet story about stopping the music for the wedding :)

When I was a wee(pardon the pun) one I use to help out backstage at festivals - with my A.A.A. (Access all areas) wristband. Lovely clean toilets :)"Those were the day, my friend....." .Sigh. Meanwhile back in the real working world of stress and toil. TFx

Melissa Amateis said...

I used to be such a fan of Def Leppard. Now I think they need to just retire. ;-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

faye - I met Neil Diamond once, and he was lovely. I can't think who would tempt me enough now. Then again, I could always have a change of heart and decide to go to one (children would die of embarrassment though).

tf - it was good, wasn't it? Mind you, they wouldn't want to upset the vicar of the parish, even though he's a great chap.

melissa - I agree. Sometimes they don't know when to call it a day :)