I loved it. I can see now what all the fuss is about, and have to admit that I immediately snuck in to her room and pinched her copy of the book. To be honest, I also started to read it, but will hold back until I've finished Veronica Henry's, Marriage and Other Games, as it's a damn fine book and I can't enjoy them both properly if I'm going from one to the other.
I'm relieved that I left it so late to watch the film, as now I don't have to wait so long until New Moon comes out. I've even been checking about pre-booking cinema tickets. Sad? Moi?

We laughed all the way through, and as well as having a great cast (Nick Frost, Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rhys Ifans, etc) the music was pretty damn good too.
Now, if only I'd put as much time and emotion into my writing, I might also be telling you that I'd finished my editing. Nope! 'Fraid not.
I shall be pre booking tickets to, isn't it November yet!!!!! I love it when someone else gets converted. When you get to page 218 then my tattoo will make sense xx
claire p - Ooh, shall have to go and have a peek at Pg 218. I can't believed how hooked I am. Neither can daughter, who rolled her eyes and said, "I should have known you'd be like this".
Oh, I was really hoping you wouldn't say that about Twilight - my daughter said she picked one up and got totally sucked in (no pun intented). Nooooo!
I've not seen the 'The Boat That Rocked' but I rather fancy it from the cast list!
I've seen Twilight and quite enjoyed it but not enough to read the book... or count down the days to the next one!
I loved the film and dd began the books after seeing the film. As she is ten I jumped ahead in the series to see if there was anything I needed to be concerned about - no but enjoyed books 3&4. Now need to read Twilight as it is on the list of reading for the Cornerstones workshop I am taking next week...
Have order the boat that rocked and looking forward to watching it :-)
Now get back to editing!
Oh dear - I've been ignoring my daughter's hints about watching/reading Twilight. Maybe I'll give it a go.
Thanks for your visit!
Ooh, thanks for the recommendations. Interesting that you read one book at a time - I usually have three or four on the go, because I like different books for different moods. Right now I'm in the middle of a travel book (non-fiction), a comedy re-read, and a saga. I've always done this since I was a child, and it works for me, but I can see it wouldn't work for everyone.
Have heard of The Boat that Rocks but not Twilight so will now look out for both. We tend to be out of the loop here so always pleased to get recommendations.
We all need a break every now and again... :)))
Claire p - Ahh, have checked out Pg 218. Love the tattoo.
chrish - it's so good, although son and step-son didn't agree. Don't care though, Sas and I loved it.
jj - TBTR is a brilliant film, funny and great music and cast. I'll watch it again.
liz - I'm looking forward to reading the books, and seeing the next film. So good.
pondside - do have a look. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
queenie - maybe my brain can't cope with too much going on in it at the same time. It was probably better a few years ago :)
sheepish - give them a try; both very different, but good in their own way.
anna - we certainly do.
I'm afraid I'm one of those who has resisted the Twilight craze. I did watch the trailer for Twilight and still wasn't convinced that I needed to watch it. :-)
I saw The Boat That Rocked a while ago and really loved it.
Right, you have inspired me to watch both....I sense much sprawling on the sofa in my future!!
C x
melissa - I wasn't convinced either and only gave in after constant nagging from daughter, but I did love it.
helen - I loved it too.
carol - Yay, here's to sprawling and watching movies.
Debs I loved the books (though still have to get my mitts on the last one) and am itching to see the film!! My sister said it was brilliant and now you say that too I really can't wait. Me I just like vampires!!
lori x - Can't wait to read them. I can't believe I'm so into Twilight and True Blood. I never would have thought it was my thing.
I'll def have to snitch my niece's book...
Loved The Boat That Rocked - I saw it at the cinema!
liane - you should, I've only read a bit (shall read more when I've finished the book I'm on at the mo).
amanda - fab film, would have been far better at the cinema too.
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