Many thanks to DJ Kirkby for this gorgeous (and definately fabulous) award.
The "Your Blog is Fabulous!" Award stands for: Integrity. Commitment to Excellence. Stubbornly Optimistic.
List five current obsessions:
1. My fun, busy and entertaining family consisting of a husband who never fails to make me laugh, and two children who are great characters, even though I can't believe they're now taller than me and seem to know more than I do about everything - or at least think they do.
2. My mad dog, who keeps me company all the time he possibly can manage to and spends hours dozing in his chair next to me in my shed.
3. My shed - where I do my writing; think; dream; make notes; gaze at photos, drawings and posters; and generally pontificate for far more hours than I probably should.
4. My writing - which is what keeps me (and probably the rest of the family) sane, and gives my imagination the arena to let lose those characters in my head who want to get out on to the page.
5. St Ouen's Beach - where I walk the grumpy one, chat to husband and teens, think (yes, more thinking), plot and plan (stories, rather than crimes), and generally breath in the salty air whilst pushing my feet through the pale, fine sand as I look out to the other islands.
I have to nominate five other bloggers, and have of course blogged eight. Well, I've never been good at numbers. I nominate the following:
Chris - Bucolic Frolics
Chris - Home Thoughts Weekly
Tom Foolery
Oooh, thanks Debs x
Thanks Debs - I'm never any good at numbers either!
you are so lucky to live by the sea! Perfect place to think up all your plots:) I used to live by the sea in Scotland and really miss it.
Wow! How lovely! Subbornly optimistic, yep, that's me. Thanks, Debs. After two weeks of parents at Hotel H, I need to get down to some writing so this is a very welcome boost.
A blog award this morning,Debs! Thanks for thinking of me. And here I thought the best part of today would be a cranberry scone for breakfast. Oops! There are
two of my obsessions already. It won't be hard to come up with another three--or nine.
What a lovely award. And you do deserve it! I love the little peek into your hectic life! So nice to be by the ocean for sure.
Integrity. Commitment to Excellence. Stubbornly Optimistic. SHIT! Is this really me? ;-) Thanks for nominating me :-) So very kind. TFx
Congrats! You deserve it!
Well done. Stubbornly optimistic is definitely a good idea.
Oh what a lovely happy post! x
Congrats on the award Debs :o))
I'm a bit obsessed with our mad dog - they get you like that!!
Congrats! Living near a beach is one of my obsessions yet to pan out! :)))
Congratulations on your award and I loved your answers!!
I've been tagged for this too but currently have only Uni on the brain...wouldn't make for a very interesting post :-)
C x
Congrats on the Award :)
Kate xx
amanda - I love this award, so pretty.
flowerpot - I see numbers back to front, though there's no excuse when there's only a single number, I suppose.
motherx - I love living by the sea, but have never been to scotland and really do intend going.
chrish - two weeks, phew, sounds exhausting.
faye - lol, I had no problem coming up with obsessions either.
kaye - many thanks. I love living near the sea, and can hear the waves when the wind is in the right direction.
tf - thanks for making me laugh, as usual. I needed that.
melissa - many thanks.
leigh - I think it helps to be that way. Definately when it comes to my writing anyway.
dj - thank you.
karen - they certainly do.
anna - it is a calming place to live, although heaven only knows what I'd be like living in a busy place?
carol - I saw that you'd been tagged, otherwise I would have included you too. Best of luck with the uni work.
kate - many thanks.
You've got some wonderful things to be obsessed with!
helen - I can't believe I left out chocolate though.
Wow! An award. Thank you so much.
Unlike mine, yours is thoroughly deserved. I love your answers. Having left the sea behind almost 10 years ago, I really, really miss it. :o(
Well deserved - I love the stubbornly optimistic!
shirley - you do deserve this award, I love your blog.
bluestocking mum - many thanks. I love the stubbornly optomistic bit too.
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