Thanks to the lovely DJ Kirkby for my, 'I made DJ Kirkby laugh' Award. Isn't it gorgeous?
This week has been frantically busy. Shopping, form-filling, and generally exhausting myself trying to get J to finalize all that he needs to do before going to uni next Sunday. He, on the other hand, is more interested in what party is being held where. I'm sure we'll sort everything out, but this week we also have my oldest step-son over as he's staying with us before going to stay at his mum's for his 21st birthday, so we've wanted to spend time with him whilst he's here and go out for meals etc, which has been fun.
This week I have Happy Birthday wishes for Dan, Tanya, Amanda, Chris, Jas, AmandaK, and I forgot my cousin's last week, so had to send belated wishes. Today I've had my nails done, whilst S was having her hair cut, been shopping, out to lunch and now I really should get on with some editing.
My editing difficulties have stemmed from changing one major factor about a third of the way through the novel, without realizing (such a dope) how much it effects the rest of the book. So various scenes now can't happen, but I think I'm pretty much there with how to make the changes. It's a pain though as I really was aiming to finish and send the damn thing out a couple of weeks ago. Never mind. As my grand-father always used to say, 'It can be done' and of course it shall be.
The award is so pretty. Good luck with the book changes - sounds like hard work but I bet the end results are worth it.
Kate xx
I have a plethora of September birthdays to consider too!
As for those pesky forgotten changes... I've done it, then wanted to slap myself for forgetting! Yes, it will be sorted... :)))
I was just reading your post... and I'd got to the last paragraph. It made me shiver with excitement at the prospect of anyone being so close as to send their novel out in a couple of weeks. I think it must be because I feel close now... (to the first draft only!)
Very good luck to you at unpicking and restitching what needs doing.
kate - I should have much more time after I get this week out of the say and son has actually left for uni.
anna - I try to be organized, but usually forget someone.
jj - I think it's more of a case of 'so near, yet so far away'. Beginning to lose the will!
Sounds like you're making amazing progress with the novel. Hang in there and don't get discouraged.
I'm wavering with mine between thinking it's sort of OK and thinking it's complete rubbish. All a bit worrying really.
Keep on going! Pop over to my blog and make a wish if you think it will help. I think it will because my blog is magic. No, really it is, I have proof! xo
Good luck with the book, Debs. And good luck with dispatching the new uni student.
Good luck wiht everything this week Debs - you really are busy! And of course best of luck with that novel - fingers crossed!
That is a lot of birthdays!! (I'm hopeless with birthdays and never remember them!!)
You're doing brilliantly with the novel...It will be finished before you know it so keep at it :-)
C x
Don't you lose the will! You are so close and that is fabulously impressive. Your Granddad's quote made me smile - My Nan always said,"there's no such word as can't..."
There isn't you know. Your post has motivated me to get back to mine. I can't send it out if it's not finished. So you get to it girl!
Hmmm, I also feel guilty now.
I appreciate you're busy with this but Dulwich Divorcee has tagged me for my favourite film characters and I'd love to hear yours.
So when you have a spare five minutes...(audible laughter!) Please...
It can wait a couple of weeks!
Along the lines of your grandfather's advice, I keep this bit of wisdom close by Debs: "Things that seem hard are not always that hard. Put one foot in front of the other and you'll get to the end." Although it won't be an end, what an exciting stage you'll be in when the edit is over!
Lovely award, Debs. Editing? *groan* But you'll make it work because you're the writer, aka the boss!
WOW you are one busy lady - I feel like a sloth compared to all of that! Best of luck with the editing! Know what THAT feels like :-( LOL
The going back to uni thing... Debs, I just know the feeling! My DH has had to borrow his colleageu's Discovery to transport us all plus the chattels and bike!
Ahhh, it's good to be busy. BUT, always find time to sit in the sun a stuff your chops with chocolate :) TFx
Ah, editing. I've just got copy edits for one of mine and my lovely copy editor has spotted a real error. We'll get it put right, but why don't we spot these things as we write???
And I agree with TF. Besides, it's impossible to do anything creative without chocolate. Yup, that's a known fact.
I used to dread editing but (after 4th rewrite of FTT I now regard it as a chance to make the book even better (she said, confidently - famous last words).
helen - me too.
dj - have made my wish. Hope it comes true.
susie - many thanks. At least I'll have the editing to get lost in once I return from taking J to uni.
flowerpot - thanks, I need all the help I can get.
carol - I'll have to keep going, can't stop now. Will it ever end??
bluestocking mum - thanks for the comment. I will keep going, and thanks for tagging me. Will add this to a post.
faye - you're right, and I suppose that at least I can write when and what I like as I don't have an agent (wish I did) telling me what I have to do etc. Freedom, though would happily give it up.
liane - I suppose I am the boss. Shame I don't get paid for being so though :)
nina - you certainly do.
phillipa - best of luck with the uni thing for you too. J would happily take one small case, but I've persuaded him he'll need to take more as I won't be with him to wash his things every 5 minutes.
tf - I'm never too busy to stuff with choc!!
shirley - It doesn't matter how many times I check something, I always seem to miss a glaring mistake.
chrish - I'll have to start thinking like you do, maybe it'll inspire me to keep at it.
Good luck with the edit. Your grandfather was right - you can and you will.
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