Our forecast for today is simply 'Gale'. Apparently we are to expect force 9 to Gale force 10 winds today with intermittent showers. Grumpy raced out - as best he could against the harsh winds - to do his ablutions and thankfully made it back in time to miss the next shower. At least I don't have to venture out far - if anywhere at all - today. DH and s-s No1 were up until the early hours watching the boxing so are making the most of not having to do anything too.
I didn't blog yesterday as I was in hangover hell after my office Christmas party. As usual it was well organised with prizes, wonderful food and copious amounts of alcohol. Everyone had a marvellous time dancing and the evening was a roaring success.
I have joined www.youwriteon.com. This is a site where you can post your own writing and receive critiques and you also review other writers. I have received very constructive criticism and this can only be helpful to me. It's frustrating working so hard on a project and then to have to listen to/read criticism of it but that's part of being a writer. I'm also reading Stephen King's On Writing and it is as good as everyone says. I was finding my own wip very hard work and happened to reach the chapter where SK says not to give up when the writing becomes difficult. Well mine feels like I'm wading through mud that has been mixed with a very strong glue. I shall persevere though I sometimes think that if I had to be addicted to something why was it writing and not an easier passtime like collecting dodos!
Glad the party was fab:-)
On Writing is great isn't it. Keep persevering. You're going great guns with the word count:-)
Lane - thanks. It's so hard to know if what you are writing is any good and it's a struggle at the mo. But I shall keep on. Am determined to get this finished if at all possible.
Glad you've found somewhere to get helpful feedback. It really makes a difference doesn't it?
Keep going Debs the only way to get through this part is to keep writing and you've done so well. (So well in fact that I was thinking and asking you to budge up in the shed of yours so I could soak up some of the creative juices in the air!)
helenmh - it certainly does help to get the feedback. Most useful and constructive.
chrish - I shall keep going, thanks for your encouragement. The shed is a marvellous place away from the phone, children and house!
I'd rather have informal feedback before submitting anything to an agent. I'll have a look at the site too. The weather on Sunday was awful here too.
annieye - the site is good but I had such a fright the first time I received a crit. It was detailed too.
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