Isn't he handsome, I thought I would give myself a mid-week cheer up and post a picture of the lovely Gerry Butler. A friend and I were arranging to go and see P.S. I Love You tonight but by the time you find out that the start times of the film are too inconvenient, arrange youngsters and get there, we decided that we will wait until the DVD comes out and watch it at my house over a bottle or two of wine. Anyway, dd told me that it was a lovely film but that I would definately cry and so maybe it's a better idea to have puffy eyes at home where fewer people can see them.
M-i-l came out of hospital today and dh went to her house accompanied by Grumpy who only moments before had frightened a poor man at B&Q by barking angrily at him for no reason other than the dear soul was walking past the car. So Grumps had to wait in dh's car at m-i-l's house for her to be delivered safely home by ambulance so that he wasn't rude to the poor paramedics who probably had more than enough to contend with carting all manner of plants (remember the blue hyacynth), clothes, books etc.
Oh poor Grumps - i know the feeling. You KNOW you shouldn't growl at people, but sometimes you just can't help yourself ...
God, will you stop posting pictures of Gorgeous Men - I'll never get any work done :o)
I cried a LOT through this film - you're definitely better off watching it at home than snivelling in the cinema, surreptitiously wiping your nose on your sleeve, like I did...
I've got Gerry Butler confused with Gerald Harper. How silly of me he's about a 100!
Good to hear M-i-l out of hospital I bet everyone has breathed a sigh of relief at her homecoming...
Glad the plant (and m-i-l) made it back from hospital ok.
Poor Grumpy. You can't like everyone can you:-)
helenmh - oh I so know that feeling. I have a tendancy to growl although I do try and behave especially at work where there is one particular person that makes me growl (silently and sometimes not so silently) as she never (ever) shuts the hell up.
karen - I know, I know but I just can't help myself. I need the occasional hunk fest to keep me going and Gerry is so easy on the eye. Can't wait to see the film too although I'm not a fan of Hilary Swank at all.
andrea - hello there, GB v GH = no contest in my opinion but then I've never gone for the older man! M-i-l is back at home with various nurses, neighbours, dh, etc all in attendance - even the gas man, sky man as she has problems in these areas!
lane - M-i-l is happy to be back at home but dh reckons that they let her out too early.
The problem with Grumpy is that he doesn't like many people at all. So anti-social sometimes.
Grumpy probably knows something we don't - like the B & Q man was a psychopathic mass-murderer or something. Glad your mother-in-law is home, complete with hyacinth!
annieye - you're probably right! At least that would give him an excuse for being so unfriendly. M-i-l is much happier at home and looking forward to being more mobile and back to her old self.
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