I'm looking forward to the London Book Fair Masterclass on 'How To Get Published' on 12 April (only seven weeks to go). The Chair is Danuta Kean and Panel of Speakers are Harriet Evans, Editorial Director for Fiction at Headline Publishers and brilliant author - I loved both her novels, Going Home and the more recent, A Hopeless Romantic, together with authors: Joanna Trollope, Gareth Sibson, Adele Parks and Jonny Geller, Literary Agent and Managing Director of Curtis Brown books division.
I can't wait to attend the session and pick up as much advice as possible and just hope that enough sinks in to my brain for me to put it to good use afterwards. I must remember to listen as well as take notes for the entire two hours.
Now it's time to make a mug of tea and be on my way with Grumpy to the shed to carry on with the editing.
Oh, Debs, I'm sooooooo jealous. Wish I was going. I've read Harriet too, I didn't know she worked for Headline.
A little blast from the past but my previous agent, who this time last year was raving about my book before deciding to downsize (or whatever you want to put in place of downsize, I can take it!) was going to try and place me with Headline. Ah, happy days! x
l-plate author - oooh, I do feel for you. It must be painful to be so close for your agent to then downsize. I suppose the positive side of that (not that it makes it any less of a sting) is that you must have talent for an agent to want you. I haven't even got that far yet. Keep going, you obviously have what it takes. x
Oh brilliant. I hope you have a fantastic time. I went to a similar seminar at the London Book Fair a few years ago and was lucky enough to hear my all time favourite author (Margaret Atwood)speak and read from her current novel. She also signed my copy which, considering she normally uses some kind of long-distance technology gismo to do her signings, was extra special!
I hope you enjoy it and pick up lots of valuable tips (do feel free to pass them on ;o))
Lucky woman!!! Take lots of notes and share - please!
ctaylor - I can't wait to go. I shall post any useful tips that I manage to glean from the session.
liz fenwick - I know, so excited. I shall definately share my notes.
I am deeply jealous, in fact I've gone an unattractive shade of green.
Have you seen the video interviews with Jonny Geller on Candy Gourlay's "Notes from the Slushpile" blog - really good.
Sounds like a great day awaits you.
CLICK, CLICK for your weapon of choice ;-) TFX.
PS. Does the shed have any heating?
Just to add, Candy also has a really good article by Vicki M Taylor on her site about overcoming the fear of writing a synopsis.
That's certainly something to look forward to!
Green? Me? Nah. Mildly pistachio maybe:-)
absolute vanilla (& atyllah) - I haven't seen the videos but shall certainly go and have a look now, thanks.
tom foolery - I can't wait to go and yes the shed does have heating. I don't do cold if I can possibly help it.
absolute vanilla (& atyllah) - great, I shall go and have a look. Love your blog btw.
lane - I'm really looking forward to it and shall take copious amounts of notes when I'm there.
That sounds so brilliant - I'm so jealous!
helenmh - It does sound good and I can't wait to attend.
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