This morning S asked me if I'd enjoyed it and I told her that it had made me cry. "Mum," she giggled. "Everything you watch on tv makes you cry. You even cried when that man with the funny glasses and strange voice was buried the other day." She was referring to Frank Butcher's funeral on Eastenders (not a programme that I've watched much in recent years and I'm not even a particular fan of the actor). I think it was the thought that the actor himself had died so recently.
I was about to argue with her when she said, "You always cry at that Gok Wan bloke too." Well, when you see how he helps all those women with very little self-confidence to strip off like they do and bare all to the world, I can't help feeling emotional when watching how much better they look and feel at the end of the programme. Damn it, I hate to admit this but I have a feeling she may be right. I appear to be turning into a complete drip.
You and me both Debs. I cry at the drop of a hat these days! Funnily enough I cry more at happy things than sad things (like Gok Wan but not him). When someone wins something or fulfills some ambition or something and they're shocked and happy and shaking I just break down, I can't help it!
I hate to say it but I wasn't a fan of Atonement. I thought it dragged on and on and there wasn't enough dialogue for my taste, just loads of panning shots of various landscapes and stuff. I didn't really emotionally connect with the characters too which was a shame.
Have you seen "The End of the Affair"? I watched it AGAIN the other night and cried, even though I've seen it at least 5 times!
I am such a drip too! I cry at absolutely everything. It's a curse. Glad do you had a good time on your birthday!
I'm afraid that Gok Wan just makes me want to laugh! I do sob at a lot of stuff on telly, though - always have x
Hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! debs. Sorry I wasnt on to wish you one on the day!!! You dont look a day over 25....honestly. xx
Happy belated!
I'm actually reading Atonement right now!
As a child I would *never* cry in public. I would be mortified if I couldn't hold back the tears. These days I think crying's underrated. I feel silly crying at ads on TV or for some made-up character on a film, but it's so cathartic. I like it.
So yes, I'm a drip too. Solidarity sister!
Belated birthday wishes, Deb. Liked your choice of entertainment--quite a varied day with both your two and four legged people. I loved Atonement, but need to see it again as well as finish reading the book. The battle scenes and flashbacks did get quite confusing.
I've been re-reading all the Jane Austens and noticed that she had quite a thing about young ladies "losing their bloom". Luckily we modern gals have an easier time of it, so I'm sure you don't look a day over your "thirty" years!
You are not a drip at all. I bawl when Gok works his magic. As for Frank Butcher, we are five years behind in Eastenders in Canada so I have five years before I cry over that one. Little Mo is still in prison over here.
You're not the only one Debs! My husband says I'm th eonly person who cries at teh weather forecast, which is a slight exaggeration...
I cry at things on the telly too :o) The children used to watch me, when they were younger, to see if I was about to break down!!
You and me alike, Debs. I cry when Gok works his magic too. I just wish he'd wave his wand over in this direction!
cal - I haven't watched The End of the Affair, so I shall have to do so.
yvonne - glad I'm not the only one.
helenmh - lol, you're so funny.
motherx - you're too kind. If only.
elizabeth - thanks. I shall read it soon too.
hilary - I also never used to really cry at anything, would have been horrified. Now I can't stop myself.
faye - thanks. Yes, living in 21st century does have it's compensations.
helen shearer - poor Little Mo, not still in prison
flowerpot - my husband says that sort of thing about me.
karen - my daughter does too, and is highly amused by me. Little bag.
maddie moon - I wish he would do something with me too.
I cried at The Choir, Debs - I 'm a big drip too and there's nothing wrong with that. Bleated happy Birthdays to you.
phillipa - glad to know that I'm not the only one. Thanks for the b/d wishes.
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