Mind you, it's not all bad, I have sent off three submissions, so I'm not being too harsh on myself. I would put my headache down to too many hours looking at a screen but I don't think it's that. I also received an email stating that they've received my script, which will be judged in May. I'm not expecting anything with this as it was my first attempt and I didn't managed to attend the one day seminar about script writing. We have one local daily paper and I managed to miss the piece about the seminar. Never mind.
Regarding the fancy dress outfits (just in case you were wondering) we used to hold a large summer party with a different theme each year, hence all the different costumes (you should see the decorations in boxes up in the loft too). The parties came about when R & I had to think of a way to entertain 6 youngsters for a month during the holidays and so they used to spend their time making decorations and then decorating the house and garden, making outfits for themselves etc and at the end of the holidays we would throw the party. We didn't have one last year as R found the clearing up after 80 or so people (never mind the chaos for the build up to the party) a complete pain. They were good fun though. Have a great weekend.
3 submissions!! sounds to me like you are doing great! Ive got a terrible sore throat and cold too, so know how you feel. It just doesnt seem to go!
Feel better soon and have a good weekend. X
YUM Snack A Jacks! I have my fingers crossed about the submissions, I think I'll have to take a leaf out of your book - and get my stuff out there. I need some of your bravery!
well done on the submissions and fingers crossed! I do hope your headache eases soon....
Good Luck with your submissions Debs - I'm you're anything like me you'll have done everything short of kissing the envelope for luck on it's way into the postbox!
Well done on the submissions! I'm being really bad at the moment, dithering and not sending anything anywhere. Hope this will pass. Maybe I need Snack-a-Jacks!
motherx - I'm just going to keep sending them out now as I can't tinker with the damn things for ever.
Hope you feel better soon, have a lovely weekend.
yvonne - thanks, I have spent so long editing and re-editing, I just needed to get them out there and get on with other bits. Best of luck with your submissions.
flowerpot - thanks. I'm hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow in time for work !?
kerry - thanks. I know what you mean, I practically want to deliver them myself and do a sales pitch but I suppose that's what the synopsis is about.
I love that feeling of having sent subs "out there". And I do that thing of kissing the envelopes and getting the kids to kiss them too. That's really sad, isn't it?
Hmmm, Snack a Jacks? I've never tried them, but I'll have to now!!
Just caught up on your blog, Debs. I've not had a lot of time for blogging this week. Congrats on three submissions and all the best of luck with them.
helenmh - you always seem very busy to me. Sometimes it's good to give yourself a bit of time off, I think it helps the brain gather more info.
maddie moon - I wish I could forget about the subs now that Ive sent them out there instead of wondering how they'll do. I'll have to keep busy and get more out.
You should try Snack A Jacks, they're lovely.
Fingers crossed on the subs. Hope you are feeling better.
Oh anything which sour cream is a winner:-)
I can understand R's reluctance to prepare .. and clear up after 80 people!
All the best with your submissions. Caroline's live blog with Orna yesterday had some interesting thoughts on the submission process didn't it?
Good luck with the submissions TFX
liz fenwick - thanks, I am feeling much better today.
lane - I didn't get to my computer until 5.30 and so missed Caroline's live blog with Orna. Am so cross for forgetting.
tom foolery - thanks.
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