S persuaded me to step on to the Wii and measured my balance (slightly to the right), my weight (let's not go there, shall we), my BMI which is ... well, it's rather high to say the least and my Wii fitness age which was 55! In between weeding the garden, planting honeysuckles, geraniums and something else that I can't remember the name of, I have also been on and off the Wii.
I can slalom (badly); hoolahoop, whilst catching hoops with my head; tightrope walk, do an aerobic dance and even jogged for five minutes (the 8 June is looming ever closer) and have managed to reduce my Wii fitness age to 37. I have a horrible feeling that I'm going to become addicted to something technical and it's a scary thought. I also weighted Grumpy who is 10kgs (perfect).
R dragged me to the garden centre and having filled the boot of the car with more then enough plants to start our own gardening business, I arrived back and it was only as I was taking everything out of the car that it dawned on me that I will be the one planting them all tomorrow.
My rewrite is coming long slowly but at least I'm making some headway with it. I've been inspired by Donald Maas and have had a few ideas that I'm sure will improve the intensity of the story, however I'll have to get up extremel early tomorrow to have enough time for all the gardening and going to the shed.
All power to the trowel! And best of luck with the WEE.
PS. Anyone with a video camera who knows where you live? OOOPS!
All that gardening sounds exhausting!
I bought a Wii Fit today too! I'm hoping it'll improve my fitness somewhat. Mainly cos I'm so competitive ;)
ray-anne - If you could see me trying to watch the screen to see what to do, remember what my feet should be doing and trying to ignore the dog barking and children giggling you would be highly amused.
helenmh - it is, I'm mad to never learn that if I buy fewer plants I don't have to spend so long planting the damn things.
yvonne - it is great fun and the best thing is that it records your fitness levels etc. I'm loving it.
I'm very tempted to have a Wii (as it were.) I've heard great things about them. Anything that can get you fit without leaving the living-room has to be a good thing! Glad the re-write is going so well. Workout for the mind, as well :o)
Ooooh SOOO jealous. I really want a Wii Fit (would actually have to get a Wii first) but am worried it would go the same way as the exercise bike in my living room - ie. some kind of post modern sculpture to put things on. At the moment the seat, which should hold my frantically peddling arse is holding 2 cushions and a blanket!
Blimey Debs, you're a glutton for punishment exercise and gardening all in one day. Slow down woman. (Right, I've finally done your tag). TFX
DEbs - first the blender now the Wii Fit it;s like you are purchasing my wish list and it sounds brilliant too!
There's a Meme tag over at my blog if you want it - and haven't already done it! :)
Ooh, I've been wondering about whether to get the Wii fit thing. Do you think you'll keep at it? I can't tell you the number of other exercise gadgets I have in my house. I'm wondering it this will go the same way of the others!
Of course, the kids are egging me on and I desperately need to do something!
karen - I agree, the thought of all that exercise, records being kept and not having anyone else see me looking such a prat (apart from children and dog) did appeal greatly.
calistro - so funny, I would be the same with an exercise bike, or anything else for that matter. S is the one with the Wii and I just go into her room to use it. Perfect for me.
tom foolery - I shall go and have a look at the tag. I can hardly walk this morning and my poor body is not thrilled at having to do all that exercise.
kerry - I would never have got the Wii Fit without my daughter nagging so much. I shall have a look at the meme over at yours, thanks.
maddie moon - it's certainly addictive to the kids and my two took it to their fathers this weekend and even he got on it. I think it's great fun, as you are so busy concentrating you hardly realise you're exercising.
That looks like fun. I'm glad Grumpy is the perfect weight:-)
Good luck with all that planting. Now that's real exercise!
lane - I just wish I was nearer to my perfect weight too!
Good luck with rewrite! I never realised you have written that many novels! How do you keep so motivated.
I'm feeling very dumb here, because I'd never heard of the Wii fit!!!
motherx - thanks. I'm not sure, I suppose it's the lure of the shed and the peace inside it. It also helps that J & S are older now and enjoy me not bossing them around.
christina phillips - they are brilliant, just like a low step that can weigh you, check your balance, BMI and has so many exercises on. They are linked to the tv and are great fun.
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