Thanks to the lovely DJ Kirkby for my fab Wordless Wednesday Award (from last week, sorry for the delay in posting it). It brightened up my week in edit hell. Still not finished. Getting there, but veeerrrrryyyy slowly.
Received more forms to fill in with J for uni, and as he was at his dad's all weekend, asked him to be home at lunchtime yesterday to fill them in and get them sent out. "Yeah, yeah, no worries," came the reply. Yesterday arrived, J appears at lunchtime. "Great," I said. "Let's get this lot out of the way." "Sorry, mum, I promised to meet some friends at the beach." Needless to say, he had a great day at at St Brelades Bay on the beach (30 degrees, or so our temperature thingy said), and the forms are still sitting on the sideboard. Tomorrow maybe.
Back to work today. Right, enough said about that.
Rob made a delicious rhubarb crumble and an apple pie yesterday with fruit from our garden. Very tasty, and not so good when you're counting calories (and have no self control).
Sas phoned when I was at work to tell me she's found the perfect present for me this Christmas. Bless her. I said, "It's too early to start thinking about Christmas, surely." "No," she said, "It's only 16 and a half weeks away."
I have to confess that I've started my Christmas shopping - but then I have a big family and need to spread the cost. Plus I hate going anywhere near the shops after about Bonfire Night. I'd much rather think about rhubarb crumble and apple pie, yum! I do hope there was custard, I love custard with fruit puds.
Sod calories counting m'dear a total "waist" of time! ;-) TFx
Gulp, that doesn't sound like a lot of weeks! Mmm, I'd love an apple crumble and the trees in my garden are groaning with them at the moment. Sadly I am a) Very lazy and b) Apple trees are so old the apples they produce are more of a lucky dip. That's assuming you get through the inch thick skin...
AAAaarrggh.. Christmas???! That doesnt sound so far away. Yikes. x
Oh dear god, I'll have to go an have a lie down now.
Oh Debs now all I can think about is crumble....lovely (unavailable in Vietnam ):) crumble! Good luck with the editing - it'll all be worth the slog! xx
Noooooo....please tell me that Christmas is not only 16 weeks away!! How utterly depressing!!
Glad the editing is going well
C x
I'm sorry but I refuse point blank to believe that it is only 16 weeks until Christmas when it's cold and the sun sets before 4pm. All I want for Christmas is summertime again - surely not too much to ask?
Good luck with the edits and going back to work. Was thinking of you today as I have had an unpleasant Ex-Factor moment. Bleurgh!
queenie - you are good starting your shopping nice and early.
No custard, I'm afraid, but we did have fresh Jersey cream, yum.
tf - I agree. Like your thinking.
denise - I picked up the apples, then left them in a trug. R did all the peeling, slicing, cooking etc, otherwise they'd still be sitting there slowly rotting!
lwm - I know, horrible thought.
jj - I know, I wasn't too thrilled either.
kerry - it was tasty.
Thanks re the editing, I can only try.
carol - lol. I think I heard your cry of anguish from here.
troy - nevermind wanting summertime 'again', I'm still waiting for a proper summer to arrive!
chrish - nooo, poor you. Grim, horrible ex-factors, ththth (that's me trying to type blowing a raspberry).
Don't mention the 'C' word. That's Christmas, not crumble.
I love crumble! Very hard to turn that down...
As for Christmas, while I too shake my head, my eldest loves socks and I saw some on sale...
Maybe for her birthday in November? Sure, that's it! :)))
First day back at work? That's painful! Tell the truth now, have you counted up exactly how much longer you'll have to work before able to retire? I used to do that as a long holiday wound down. :-)
Have always heard my friends talking about being the "motivators" for getting all the college aps completed--especially if scholarships are involved. The teenagers think the clock is more forgiving, I guess.
I'm with a couple of your other commenters, forget calories as long as there's yummy fruits for pastry makings.
Hurrah for Christmas I say.
way behind in catching up and posting - as per - but please tell St Brelades to hang on to that heat for another three weeks - PLEASE.
Sod the diet - hope you enjoyed both! With cream... sigh...
And don't mention Christmas. Not with our on-going out-law problems...
C xxx
Guess I better start making my Christmas list...
I don't believe you have mentionned the X word.That means less than 16 weeks to finish my wip. I have promised myself it will be finished by then, otherwise I will lose my sanity.
Still its nearly the weekend so perhaps I'll wait til Monday.
Hope the forms are all sorted and have a good weekend.
helen - I know. It's coming far too quickly.
anna - I've no idea what to buy people.
faye - calories were forgotten and I enjoyed the pie & crumble.
Most students probably have motivators (their mothers, or is it just me) who do all the form filling.
dj - actually, you're probably right.
chris - I'll keep fingers crossed for you re St B and the weather.
Poor you with the outlaws. What makes outlaws want to be so grim sometimes.
swampy - me too!
sheepish - forms nearly done.
Best of luck with the wip. I need to get a move on with my editing, it's going far too slowly for my liking.
Only 161/2 weeks!
I thought it was at least 18!!
So much to say here, I hope I can remember it all! First of all congratulations on your award. DJ Kirby is great, so positive.
On a less happy note, I hate filling in forms. As for persuading kids to fill in forms . . . is that possible? My husband makes the most amazing apple crumble - no good for a diet! I'm with you there. But some temptation is impossible to resist. As for Christmas presents - last week a lovely lady bought three copies of Cut Short at a signing, two as Christmas presents. Christmas!!! Is that it? The summer over?
jan - lol, me too.
leigh - thanks re the award. DJ is great.
Cut Short would be a great Christmas present. So glad you're doing so well.
jan - lol, me too.
leigh - thanks re the award. DJ is great.
Cut Short would be a great Christmas present. So glad you're doing so well.
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