Well, I braved town for four hours yesterday and bought very little - mind you, I suppose the fact that I spent over two and a half hours enjoying a marvellously gossipy lunch with two girlfriends probably hinded the actual act of going into a shop and buying gifts. This is all very well but now it means that I have to some how find the time during this week to work my way through my hideously long list! Great fun at the time though.
This morning I am off to a party for my three year old niece. The family have been invited for bacon butties and birthday cake. What a lovely idea and being a greedy guts I can't wait to go.
I've been working on my wip and my characters are taking me off in a different direction to where I thought they would. I shall go with them and see where it takes me. Only days now until I have to finish Reading Paige and I'm not quite sure how I'll manage to do it, but I'm thoroughly enjoying myself and shall give it my best shot.
I took this pic of the shed this morning, doesn't it look all cold and frosty. I had to trim it though because when I had a closer look at it, I noticed Grumpy having a morning wee on the nearby lavender bush. I didn't think that would be the prettiest thing for you to look at!
Good luck finding the time to work through your list! Fingers crossed I think I've got all my Chrismassy stuff - hope so anyway. Not sure I can face the rabid crowds anymore this week!!
christina - thank you. I can't wait to finally reach Christmas Day and be able to stop for a bit. I'm beginning to feel a bit more in the spirit of things though and that's a good start.
I'd take a gossipy lunch over shopping any day:-)
Your frosty shed looks sooo pretty.
And poor Grumpy being cropped. It was cold Debs, poor chap:-)
lane - I should have done more shopping though! I only trimmed Grumpy around his eyes, his body still looks like a fluffy breeze block! Clip day is 3 Jan - probably even worse.
People are more important that possessions and the most precious gift you can give anyone is your time. So I say that time spent with friends is time well spent.
Great idea for a birthday party so near Christmas.
Well done on the word count too.
annieye - what you say is so true, seeing friends is much more fun than shopping too. I've had a bit of a traumatic day today so no word count progress at all but shall have to make up for it tomorrow.
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