My bag, pockets and work surfaces are littered with shopping lists. I'm nearly there with the Christmas shopping, but not quite. I may not be organised but I am happy. Why? Simply because I've broken up! No work until next Thursday. Okay, I realise that five days isn't exactly a lengthy break but I'm thrilled not to have to go to work for a few days and spend some time at home.
I've been working hard on my wip and thanks to Lane and The Finishers have managed to write over 50,000 words. I never would have managed this without the incentive of having to admit my word count each Friday. Such a brilliant idea and a great help. I still have a few days to make more headway and now that I've nearly done all my jobs - thankfully I won't be the one slaving over a hot stove this Christmas so don't have to worry about feeding people - I can hide away in the shed and get on with it. So exciting. Then I shall take a break from RP and concentrate on the course I should have been working on and after that I can go back to it afresh and sort out all the mistakes and garbage that seemed so good when I first typed it.
Not many parties on the horizon, so hopefully this Christmas will be a calm, affair with no sickness - was ill from Christmas night until New Year last year, such a drag - rather a lot of delicious food, alcohol and reasonably decent tv and two tbr piles that reach my waist. Can't wait. I think I'll start with Lesley Cookman's Murder in Midwinter as I thoroughly enjoyed her previous two novels.
Debs, you 've made brilliant progress on your novel. How did you manage such a massive total this week? Really well done - good luck for next year.
I'm also hoping to catch up on some reading over Christmas. How glorious just to read and not to have to go to work!
You've done brilliantly with your word count Debs. Top star pupil every week. I think you should be Head Girl:-)
Enjoy your time off and getting stuck into your tbr piles. My piles are becoming scarily huge. (That doesn't sound quite right does it).
It's a tough mission, should you chose to accept it.
Have a wonderful break.
chrish - thanks, I think that years of being a PA means that I can type in a fast and furious manner, it certainly helps.
helenmh - I can't wait to have more time to read. Yay.
lane - lol, hope you manage to diminish those piles over Christmas. I would never have done it without The Finishers, am most grateful.
ray-anne - thanks.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas xxx
I hope you have a brilliant Christmas. You need a break from writing - look how much you've done!
My son's bought me The Tudors on DVD. I shall be laid up on the sofa for four days at least:)
Now, that's a plug worth having! Thanks, Debs, and well done on your own progress. I envy you your shed. Mine STILL has no electricity and is currently packed with boxes of grown-up kids' belongings.
I have been deep in panto rehearsals, promoting new edition of panto book and organising CWA conference for April, so no writing. Hope to do better in the New Year.
Happy Christmas.
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