The man from the dairy phoned about the mouldy cheese and told me quite openly that they have someone checking each batch that comes into the island and taking out any packets that don't look right. They are changing suppliers - quelle relief - and as from beginning of February (I think) will be having the cheese produced in the south of England by the same place that also supplies Sainsburys (I think it was) and Waitrose. I thought the whole process was local, hence buying it in the first place but I suppose it is made with Jersey milk. He apologised and is arranging to have a batch of icecream delivered on Monday for the children and when they receive their first batch of the newly produced cheese, he is going to send some to me to see what I think. I shall give it a go. He also told me that the mould on the cheese didnt contain ??? (can't remember the name of it) and therefore wouldn't have given the family salmonella. How nice, so it just looked revolting then!
You would think that I have enough to be getting along with, finishing editing T&OL (only a third of the way through, if that), redrafting RP (more than likely needing a complete revamp), I'm dreading what I'll find when I go back to it. Not to mention BS which needs to be checked through and sent somewhere, where I'm not quite sure. Now I've received an email about the Jersey Eisteddfod's writing competition with entries needing to be in by 6th February.
I shall have to get my thinking cap on to decide what to write. I did enter a competition over here last year and didn't even get near the shortlist so I'm not quite sure why I'm wanting to enter this except that it states that the judges return your manuscript and give comments on what's wrong with it and for that alone I feel I have to enter.
Hope your thinking cap worked and your dog got his walk!!
casdok - my thinking cap did work, unfortunately though the weather turned and it has poured for hours so he didn't get his walk.
I'm glad the mould company came up trumps. At first I thought you were going to say that they check every one, so it couldn't possibly have been their fault. How nice that they apologised, and compensated you. Good for them!
Those competitions!!! dont talk to me about them! very sore subject...yet I keep putting myself through this again and again!!! glutton for punishment.
leigh - I was amazed that the chap was so open about them having to check each batch that came in. I have to admit that I was impressed that he apologised and offered compensation especially icecream.
motherx - I know, why do we keep on doing this to ourselves. I suppose we could be addicted to worse things than writing though.
It's like a type of masochism, is writing. You have to do it - then when you do you beat yourself up thinking everyone does it better than you. Then you go and stick your head in the lion's mouth and send it somewhere ..... only to feel as if you've been slapped round the head when it gets rejected. (well, that's me anyway!)
Mmmmm. Nice ice cream in exchange for mouldy cheese! Good deal - yum, yum!
Ice-cream sounds like good compensation:-)
Good luck with the competition! Comments on return of manuscript is really unsual.
annieye - that's me too. Rejections are horrible but as long as we keep trying I suppose.
helenmh - it would have been a good deal if we liked the flavours!
lane - it is unusual so I feel I have to make the most of it and enter. No idea what to write as yet.
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