Tomorrow, I'll be hurrying to collect the dog after work, then collecting S and her chocolate brownies (if she hasn't given them all away) from a Rounders match, then home for supper and back on to the computer again, so will have a busier evening than tonight. Talking of S, she arrived home last night from her school prizegiving bearing a medal for RS (or is it RE now?). I was delighted and told her how clever she was. "Not really, Mum," she said. "I would rather have won it for Science." I told her that she should be thrilled that she's the best in her class at something. I certainly never was. Apart from talking too much, gazing out of the window and generally being a first class pain in the teacher's neck.
I'm looking forward to the Romantic Novelists Association Annual Conference this weekend in Chichester. As usual I can only make the Saturday as I shall be spending the rest of the weekend catching up with R. It will be my third time attending and I always return home with a notepad filled with pages of useful information and advice (yes, of course I've used this excuse to buy a new one). It is a fascinating day that will no doubt pass all too quickly but something that I look forward to each year.
I haven't been to Chichester before and can't wait to have a wander around. So if you're going to be there, do say 'Hi'. I'll be the ditsy looking blonde with the bemused expression on her face and a shiny new pink & blue striped notebook.
Sounds like the perfect evening, apart from the midget gems. Next you'll be saying that you like cherry lips!!
caroline - ooh I haven't had them for years. I'll have to find some now that you've mentioned them.
Ooh! Chi! Next time you are in Chi email ahead and we'll come there too and meet up with you for coffee (or an ice cream). Can't do it this Sat 'cos Chopper's scan is Sat morn. Hope you enjoy your wine.
Your evening sound brilliant - have a very relaxing time. Wish I could be in Chichester this weekend, but maybe I'll buy a new notebook to make up for it! (Not that I need an excuse, I'm a stationery addict!)
That sounds like a good evening, Debs! Lucky you going to the RNA conference - I'm looking forwards to hearing what you and Liz make of it. Will you be meeting up?
Thanks for the comment on Tom's paintings - I'll pass it on!
Enjoy your Wine and hope Chichester goes well for you. x (sorry if I sound flat have a bad ear ache.)
I went to a talk by Penny Vincenzi a few years ago. She was a very interesting and pleasant lady.
Of course you had to buy a new notebook. Goes without saying.
I've been looking at notebooks today. Judging by the growing choice, we're not the only ones with a love of notebooks....and pens....and folders....and, well, stationery! The young girl in the shop asked me if I needed help. 'Just browsing', I answered. I should have said browsing, salivating, pawing, wanting.....but after previously asking her about two particular makes of notebooks she was already thinking I was a freak! Oh well.
Kat :-)
Ooohhh your evening sounds lovely...I may follow you lead and do exactly the same. (I have been working very hard on my commission so I reckon I deserve a glass or two of wine!!)
It would have been rude to attend a conference without having purchased a new notebook!! I hope you have a fab time and I look forward to hearing all about it :-)
C x
dj kirkby - Will do. Best of luck to Chopper for his scan on Sat.
yvonne - me too, any excuse to buy stationary and I'm a happy soul.
chrish - I'm looking forward to the conference and shall look out for Liz when there.
motherx - I had a lovely evening, thanks. Hope your ear feels better today, earache is so horrible.
katw - I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say, it should be good fun.
I know exactly how you feel re stationary, I'm the same. Mind you there are far worse things to be addicted to I suppose.
carol - It was a lovely evening, I think you deserve to do the same too.
I agree about the notebook and shall definately blog about it when I get back.
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