However, it immediately transpired that the Richard Armitage in question was a First Officer and not the dashing leatherclad actor that I have such a passion for. Mind you if he was the chap that I spotted through the door of the flight deck then he was rather dashing too.
As you can probably tell by this garbled post, I've just arrived back and now have to unpack and gather myself before S is delivered back home and we have to organize ourselves for her Activity Week starting tomorrow morning. I do promise though that I shall tell you all about yet another brilliant RNA Conference organized by the incredibly hard-working Jan, Roger and the Committee.
I had a wonderful day and well as meeting and having several chats during breaks and over lunch with the fabulous Ray-Anne Lutener (wearing the most divine shoes that have given me a severe case of shoe envy), have come home inspired and having gained much useful information. Needless to say I have also had to pack five/six books from my Goodie Bag and five others that I bought whilst there into R's bag. I shall say no more until tomorrow.
Such a shame it wasn't THE Richard Armitage! I'd have got over my fear of flying immediately :o)
Looking forward to your RNA post!
Wow the Goodie Bag alone sounds brilliant, looking forward to hearing more about your experiences at the conference!
Well a dashing Richard Armitage pilot is a close second!
Glad you had a good time. Look forward to details:-)
It was brilliant to meet you in person at long last Debs. I am so pleased that you enjoyed the conference.
As for the shoes? Ah. The joy that is Ebay - which should carry an offical government health warning.
Of course, I am now back in my official writer's grunge and flip-flops, so thank you for the kind words.
Now all we have to do is recover, process all of the info and put it to good use. GULP! :-)
karen - it if had been him I would have needed to be forceably removed from the aircraft at the end. It was a surreal moment when they said his name though, especially as I was so tired. I thought I was imagining things.
yvonne - they are always great.
lane - it was a close second, you're right.
ray-anne - It was great meeting you too. I'm trying to make some sense out of all my notes right now so that I can post about it.
i think if it HAD been hime, we would have seen you arrested for air rage as you tried to batter down the cockpit door!
Look forward to your RNA report.
glad yuo had such a good time at te RNA conference, Debs. I've got someone looking into a printer for me and will let you know if he comes up with anything suitable!
philipa - if it had been him, I would have either made a complete fool of myself or sat in silence too stunned to speak (which would be a definate first).
flowerpot - best of luck with the printer, I look forward to hearing what he comes up with.
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