Friday 11 July 2008

Time Flies

I dropped S off for her visit to Elizabeth Castle this morning and came straight home to write. I answered emails and comments on this blog and then typed up my report for the RNA Romance Matters quarterly magazine. I then worked for a bit on novel #4 (dreadful working title, Spick and Span) for my 100 words (actually did 258) and now it's nearly time to leave and collect S.

Where did the time go? I've only had one cup of tea (okay, I've also had a packet of Maltesers and some Cheese & Onion crisps). I haven't even started working through my corrections and will have to do that as soon as I get back. Well, that is after shopping for a few bits for S as she insists that she has absolutely nothing to wear despite being in possession of a filled wardrobe. I think she's turning into me, or at least a much younger and energetic version. She's even my height now, which is rather strange for me, although thrilling and amusing for her.

We also have to take Grumpy for a walk at St Ouens and then I shall be able to get on with what I thought I'd be doing for most of the day. I'm determined to finish these flippin' corrections and send my m/s to NWS this weekend, though I suppose it won't go until Monday now.


Yvonne said...

But you've got so much done already, you're a veritable superwoman. I feel exhausted after just writing and going for a walk. Say hello to Grumpy for me and have a great weekend!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

yvonne - thanks. Grumpy is now back in his bed snoozing as I've now returned to sit in front of the computer and try and get through some of these corrections.

Karen said...

Time's a very funny thing when you're writing, and seems to slip through your hands! Good luck with the corrections :o)

Unknown said...

I have no idea what Maltesers are...but they sound yummy.

Pat Posner said...

Good luck with the ms, Debs. The NWS is fantastic - the feedback I had 3 or 4 years ago was soo helpful.
We enjoy the same authors; Christina Jones signed a copy of Hubble Bubble at the last RNA conf I went to - at 3-30am on the Saturday morning.

Anonymous said...

just letting you know that i have read this post, and am v pleased to hear that Grumpy is being his usual self. what i would love to know is how he behaves when i am gone, does he act the same? i wouldnt normally ask, but it is hard to tell with an adorable yet angry face like his. much love and thanks, J xxxxx

DJ Kirkby said...

Wow, I am really impressed with what you have managed to achieve. I am feeling very unmotivated at the moment, I know I could be making more effort to get some writing doen but work is wearing me out...well that is my excuse anyway.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

karen - after a few false starts I'm flying through my corrections and think I may be on track to send the darn thing off on Monday as I'd hoped. Such a relief.

chad aaron sayban - they are scrumptious and helped by the fact that they're only 190 cals per bag.

pat - thanks, I can't wait to send the m/s of and although waiting for the report is a little nerve-wracking they are always so constructive.

Christina Jones writes so incredibly well, I love her books and can get completely lost in them. The trouble is when I start one, I simply can't put it down.

J - Grumpy is his usual self, either madly barking at everyone and being a complete pain, eating or sleeping. He was strange and a bit sulky when you first went, staring at S and wondering why you weren't there too, but he's settled down now.

dj kirkby - I think you have a lot going on at the moment and sometimes it's not so easy to find the time to write.

Anonymous said...

You sound as though you are doing great with your corrections! I struggled with mine to be honest and am sure Ill have many more by the time Louise has read the whole thing....uugh!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

motherx - I've nearly gone blind working through the damn things but have now finished, hurrah.

I think you do incredibly well, best of luck with Louise, I look forward to hearing about it.