Now I am not an Abba fan per se (unlike my friend Kelly who is and always has been a massive fan) and it is a musical (I generally prefer Les Mis and Phantom) but having seen the snippet on Sky thought that it looked too much fun to miss and was right. It was a toe-tapping, sing-a-long (that was just me though probably), laugh a moment (my sister does have the loudest laugh in the entire world) film and I heartily recommend it for anyone who wants to:
a) Enjoy all the songs whilst eating salty popcorn until your lips go numb
b) Watch a really good up-lifting, feel-good film, whilst chomping on choc M&Ms
c) Laugh at the three women having so much fun (took me back, sigh)
d) Gorgeous scenery - I think I may need to pack up and go and live there
e) Seeing Colin Firth once more in a wet shirt (oh yes, another big sigh)
Excellent stuff. I could have gone straight back in and watched the whole thing again.
Now though, I'm going to drag myself back down to earth and get on with my writing assignments (dreadfully ignored for a few months) and carry on with my 100 words a day (going great guns, now nearly 12,500 words).
Enjoy the weather, while it lasts. It's a bit windy today here but as it's a hot wind it's lovely.
I watched it the other day and even though I'm not a die hard Abba fan I loved it. I also love Meryl Streep. I couldn't help laughing at Pierce Brosnan's singing though (sorry Pierce Brosnan fans)
I loved it too, I thought it was brilliantly cast. Shame about Pierce Brosnan but he made me laugh! Good to hear about your 12,500 words, keep it up.
We're all agreed. Don't like Abba, I;m a notorious snob when it comes to musicals, but it was such fun I had to love it, especially dear Colin and, despite Pierce's funny (though brave) attempt at singing.
You got me on Colin Phwoarth in another wet shirt...
I'm no fan of musicals, but am going to see Mamma Mia next week as I quite like Abba and love Colin Firth! Plus I've not heard anyone say a bad word about it :o)
Well done on the word count. I'm off to increase mine now...
lily - poor Pierce bless him, I saw an interview where he said he got totally into the singing.
yvonne - thanks, it's good to see the word count increasing slowly.
sueg - I love anything with CF in it, he's so adorable. I'm so glad I bothered to go and see it.
jj - Oh yes, it was a wonderful surprise when that happened.
karen - you're bound to enjoy it if you quite like Abba to start with. I loved it.
Good luck on your word count.
It really was worth it just for Colin taking his shirt off ...
helenmh - I certainly agree with you there.
I went to see it last Thursday night and absolutely loved it!! I haven't laughed so much at a movie for a long time....they all looked like they were having so much fun didn't they!!
I roared at the bit at the end
C x
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