Someone at work asked me where I was going. I shan't be going anywhere as I have a whole week as follows:
- Where I don't have to sit at a desk - I shall be sitting at a secondhand 1950s table with a laptop on it.
- An entire week sitting in a shed - strange as it sounds, this will be fun.
- Seven days when I won't have to be dressed in smart clothing - sheer bliss.
- My daughter is happy to spend a few days doing very little, apart from one day in town shopping and a few outings with her friends.
- Going to see Mama Mia with a few of the girls.
And the weather forecast is good. Sigh. So apart from the above and walking Grumps on the beach with R and S, I intend doing very little for the next week apart from making the most of having time to read and enjoying having more time to write.
Ahhh bliss.
Sounds like bliss to me too!
Enjoy your freedom:-)
It's fantastic when you get the time to do exactly what you want without worrying about any other commitments.
Enjoy :-)
C x
Oh, and that sunset is gorgeous!!
C x
lane - I know, it's so rare to have these weeks of absolutely nothing, I'm enjoying it so far.
carol - thanks, so far we've been to St Ouens for a bite to eat and walked the dog, read endless pages of a Penny V book, bliss.
Enjoy yourself Debs. Don't forget to eat chocolate :) TFX
More importantly, don't do a Leigh and forget where you put the chocolate...
Bliss indeed! Have fun and enjoy the reading and the writing time.
Good for you. Hope you enjoy it :)
tom foolery - now that is one thing I've never forgotten, thankfully.
tam - oh heaven forbid.
chad aaron sayban - thanks, I am certainly enjoying myself.
helenmh - thanks, I am. I wish I could do the same next week too though.
Debs, you have defined what 'Holiday' should mean!!! We are off camping on Saturday for a week, less serene, but hopefully lots of relaxation and sunny weather. Cracking sunset Gromit!!
Sounds like Heaven! I hope you enjoy every moment!
mickmouse - I'm making the most of relaxing. Hope you have a wonderful camping trip and that the weather is good for you.
motherx - it is lovely, thanks.
I've gone a tasteful shade of green.
(Envy, not nausea.)
Have a very productive and enjoyable week, Debs.
Sounds marvellous! I always get a little discombobulated when I have time to myself, dither about what to do first and usually end up doing nothing...which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
Oh, I do miss those Jersey sunsets. I'll have a bag of chips at St Ouens Bay as the tide comes in, if you please.
Have a fab week off.
zinnia cyclamen - I'm so relieved the weather is so heavenly.
chrish - thanks, will do.
karen - I don't often do as little as I am now but I am enjoying it.
spiralskies - Oh yes, that sounds pretty good. Thanks.
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