James - thank you so much for the message, I'm thrilled that you're having such a brilliant time and wish that I was there to see all the fabulous places that you're no doubt experiencing. S has activity week this week and I've just collected her from her day at a car restorer's (not as strange as it sounds as the cars are all types and very beautiful, she also went in a limo with her friends and has had a great time) and is off to Elizabeth Castle tomorrow. Grumpy is his usual self, R is v busy as usual and very well. I shall let your Dad know that you've contacted us. He is fine too as is H. We all send love and can't wait to see your photos and hear all about your trip.
Thank you so much for the message. We're missing you (of course) and it all seems very quiet here but Sas is making the most of having the remote control.
Take care and big cyber hugs and kisses from me. Mumxxxxx
Sorry to hijack this post but what a lovely comment from James, he's quite the writer isn't he? Takes after his mum obviously.
yvonne - thanks or your lovely comment. I was so delighted to hear from him and thought I'd reply by way of a post just in case he's able to see it at some point.
Aw Debs, reading James' post brought a tear to my eye. How lovely and good to hear he's having such a great time.
Ah, James, your mum loves you - stay happy and safe for her and enjoy what you're doing.
James - your trip sounds amazing and your message to your mum was brilliant. Carry on enjoying your adventure - the time will fly! - and rest assured that your mum is being well looked after (and very brave! Much braver than me - I cried buckets when my daughter went off to Mexico even though I promised I wouldn't!)but can't wait to see you again and hear about what you've been doing. Oh, and as someone who has lived on your island I bet it'll seem really SMALL when you get home!
thanks v much for replying and assuring me that you are all well. lastnight, when i was writing that post, i feared that i wouldnt be able to see a reply, especially as you didnt post anything on your blog for wednesday, so my neurotic self had a heart attack, as im sure can imagine. just fininshed packing my pain-in-the-ass bag (with that said, please dont worry that my bag is uncomfortable, it isnt, it is just so horrible to pack) and will be leaving for Siem Reap within the hour. from now on, i v much doubt i can keep contatcting you like this, so please keep posting daily on your blog. very comforting to know that you are all well, especially grumpy! i hope sas enjoys the rest of her activity week as i know i did. please send all my love to all of you. if there is a next time, i look forward to it. lastly, i just want to point out that we will be crossing into thailand soonish, i think on the 13th/14th, so check if you have a copy of the itinery. that date marks the halfwaypoint of the trip, so my 'pessimistic'self can count down the days until i see your lovely face again.
maddie moon - bless him, it was a lovely surprise to receive is message as we were told not to expect any contact.
chrish - aw thanks, I'm so relieved he's having a great time there.
chris - thanks for your message, his main concern was that I would worry too much, shows what a panic-pants I can be obviously. You're right that he'll find it very small here when he gets back, I know I did after my travels.
james - so glad that you saw my post to you. Sas and I were so excited to see your message. Keep on enjoying yourself and don't worry about us, we are fine. I do have your itinerary and know where you are so can follow the trip. X
How lovely, we can follow the expedition from the comfort of our own homes!! This sounds a bit voyeuristic. It is. Oh dear.
tam - I have to admit I like my creature comforts too much to contemplate living out of a rucksack for nearly 5 weeks.
Awwwww his comments gave me a big lump in my throat!! I knew he would have a ball....Siem Reap is an amazing place and I'm sure he's going to love Thailand too.
Lovely to read your comments James. Enjoy the rest of your trip :-)
C x
carol - thanks, I'm so pleased he's having a wonderful time. I wish I could see all this too.
thanks very much for all the support you have given to my mother and myself. Frankly, it has shocked me that so many people - whom i have not met, but would like to - have written in with interest. i love that. again, it is so comforting to know that you are all well, as i instinctively trust you would be, but i miss you guys the most when i wake up and just before i go to sleep. it helps when i am kept busy, which, rest assured, i am throughout the course of all days. we are now leaving for Thailand on the 14th on a 10-hour bus journey, as we are staying in Siem Reap for one extra day in order to catch more of Angkor Wat, o see the sunset i think. anyway, i shall try to keep in contact every so often, but obviously dont expect me to do so when i am trekking! please keep posting daily and send all my love again.
Lots and Lots and Lots of Love, James xxx
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